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Anti-stance Dork
9/5/12 7:13 p.m.
Will wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote: That's why I don't get why people hate on .22s. They are just as fatal as anything else.
This is simply not true. As we have seen in this case, under the right set of circumstances, a .22 will get the job done. If it's all you have handy when a gunfight starts, then use it. But to say it is as fatal or effective as other rounds is just wrong. It's like saying a Miata is as fast as a Ferrari, because this one time, a Miata won a race. According to ballistics on Remington's site, their 230 grain .45 ACP FMJ round has 356 lb-ft of muzzle energy. The 124 grain 9mm FMJ has 339 lb-ft. The 40 grain .22 LR round has 40 lb-ft. A .22 will not penetrate as deep as proper defensive calibers, and it will not produce as large a wound channel.

All correct. And the statement below is not directed at you.

I just refer to the asshats that turn it into a pissing contest because a .22 was used instead of a larger round. Just hop onto some gun forums like ARF or Glocktalk and listen to those narrow-minded mouth breathers try to one up each other on their specs like they are reading an owners manual. If its there and you need it, use it. Monday morning quarterbacking and saying "pfft, he had a .22" is just stupid.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
9/5/12 7:38 p.m.

The old coot iced the burglar with a .22. Everybody holler all you want, them's the facts.

JoeyM UltimaDork
9/5/12 7:42 p.m.
Conquest351 wrote: I want a PMR-30 so bad!!! .22 Mag auto pistol. Yes pleez...

I've been thinking the same thing. Rumor has it that the new barrel makes it a better gun than it used to be.

Oh, and the discussion of caliber pissing matches reminds me of W.M.D. Bell. He was a big game hunter who made a fortune in ivory back in the days before the idea of conservation was thought up. Back in the day he used to killed most of his elephantsusing .275 Rigby ammo. We all know that proper shot placement matters a lot, but that's a REALLY good example.

Secretariata GRM+ Memberand Reader
9/5/12 8:15 p.m.

Hooray for the homeowner! He defended himself and any other folks that were home while causing the intruders to depart without harm to people that belonged in the home or innocent bystanders. That is the point as far as I am concerned. I think that anybody breaking into an occupied residence has no regard for the occupants lives and deserves what they get whether that is shot, stabbed, burned with hot oil, neutered, mauled by vicious dogs or anything else.

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