It's a long shot but no one else seems to have one. The plastic cup at the bottom of a steering wheel that flicks the turn signal off has a broken tang. As long as I have things apart lets make it work as it should. Stamped into the part is #8943862. It came from an '89 wheel. No. 4 in the schematic below.
1/30/23 10:21 a.m.
I'll take a look next time I'm outside, but I should have what you need. I think I have a couple of columns laying in the garage without wheels on them.
2/2/23 12:48 p.m.
I assume it just presses on? You're welcome to the entire wheel if not, though yours is probably better given how mint your sedan is.
Wow! Look inside under the horn button, I believe it can be pushed out from the horn side.
2/2/23 1:26 p.m.
Shoot me a PM with where to send it and I'll get it wrapped up and throw it in a flat rate box or envelope.
2/3/23 1:58 p.m.
PM received. My wife sent it on its way via USPS a few minutes ago. Should be there early next week.
Gotta love this place!111