GrandpaShifting New Reader
4/4/24 3:26 a.m.

Stripped down my car to get ready for paint, but I've got to put it on pause for a few months. What is a quick and simple solution to apply to the whole frame and naked panels of the car to prevent rust? Anything I could simply pick up at a local Home Depoish store and that is easily removable when I do go to paint the car?

preach GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
4/4/24 4:36 a.m.

I am sure there is something better but I use rattle can clear coat to prevent flash rust. Not sure about going to paint after but it does the job for now.

Spearfishin Reader
4/4/24 6:23 a.m.

I've wondering the same for my recently(ish) completed cage. "Best laid plans" and all, but instead of painting it the next weekend, we're like 2 months out and counting. So far it's holding up ok, but summer and all the humidity it brings, is right around the corner in "stalled project" land.

I don't want to put something oily that just makes eventual paint prep a nightmare. I've half considered just putting a fast and dirty prime coat with semi reckless abandon...but heck, if I take the time to mask anything for that, I'm halfway home on just doing it "right".

Sorry, no help, just commiserating. 

GrandpaShifting New Reader
4/4/24 7:40 p.m.

In reply to Spearfishin :

All good. Hopefully some more people chime in with options.

gsettle Reader
4/5/24 9:48 a.m.

WD-40 cleans off pretty easy with acetone... I would probably re-apply it monthly though, 

brandonsmash GRM+ Memberand Reader
4/5/24 8:37 p.m.

Look into LPS products. Yes, you'll have to clean them off but they'll keep rust at bay. LPS-3 is the longest-lasting of the bunch, and it does work a treat. 


JBinMD Reader
4/6/24 6:04 p.m.

I have always heard that epoxy primer is the best thing for preventing rust.  Two medium-wet coats, done.  Although it can't be stored outside in direct sunlight long term because it doesn't have the UV blockers in it like the clear coat does.  

Alfaromeoguy HalfDork
8/28/24 1:18 a.m.

In reply to GrandpaShifting :

just some car wax will do, just dont buff it off

Apexcarver MegaDork
8/28/24 4:52 a.m.

How will it be stored?  Garage? How moist an environment?


If garage, priming is likely best. Wd40 would be a prep nightmare trying to avoid fish eyeing in eventual paint job. 

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