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DaveEstey UltraDork
1/13/14 8:44 a.m.

I knew there was more time left in there, but didn't realize it was 2 seconds.

back to the grind stone!

Rufledt SuperDork
1/13/14 11:43 a.m.

Just keeping you guys on your toes

I watched the replay and I had a lot smoother inputs compared to spool's replay. I'll try posting it so you guys can watch.

I also dove into corners a bit haphazardly, I noticed there's a bit of time if you enter slightly fast and use a little oversteer to scrub off speed on entry/mid corner

My set up still had the understeer under acceleration, I would try to balance it by lifting off the throttle when I needed to tighten the line.

To be fair I did turn almost a dozen laps in the mid-low 3's with a bit more 'by the book' style of driving before I figured out the way to get a little more speed with the 'too fast in, oversteer, plant the foot and pray on the way out' method. I'm also not sure you people with controllers could do it as easily (for reference I have a G25), I couldn't break 2:09 or so with a controller, the car is just to twitchy. I haven't used a controller since GT4 so i'm really out of practice there.

Now get back to racing

Rufledt SuperDork
1/13/14 11:52 a.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: What sort of Wheaties are you people eating?

No Wheaties. Just lots and lots of Mt. Dew.

(Actual picture of my van from a couple years back)

To be more specific, when I was practicing it was mt. dew code red.

Looking at that picture I can actually feel my pancreas weeping.

failboat SuperDork
1/13/14 12:05 p.m.

not that that isnt awesome, but why the berk would you ever have that much mountain dew?

onebadrsx05 Reader
1/13/14 12:20 p.m.

Thats a E36 M3load of Mt. Dew.... wtf was it for? Trying to win something with all those caps?

Rufledt SuperDork
1/13/14 12:23 p.m.

for personal consumption, obviously!

For my senior year of college, the university changed from in house, god-awful cafeteria food, to outsourced food. With the new company came palatable food, and meal plans designed to take as much of your money as possible. Basically, there were 3 plans with varying amounts of cafeteria swipes and 'culinary cash', which was where they take x amount of your money, give you back (.85)x of that in culinary cash, and say you can only spend that on their overpriced convenience store, which, shockingly, also took actual money without any markup/discount compared to the heavily taxed culinary cash. The meal plans gave people way more 'culinary cash' than needed, but all 3 plans cost the same amount, so there was no way around it. At the end of the year, any left over just gets pocketed by them. I did learn we were allowed to special order things, so about a month from graduation I asked how much mt. dew I could get for my remaining $450. Turns out that was the answer. I figured I could take a lot of really overpriced Mt. dew home with me for the $450, or they would take $450 from me with nothing in return. I chose the dew.

Random fact, they now have a limit on how much you can custom order.

Spoolpigeon SuperDork
1/13/14 12:23 p.m.

That many 20oz dews gets pretty expensive. Probably would have been cheaper to get some meth.

kazoospec Dork
1/13/14 12:55 p.m.

In reply to Rufledt:

Your little way of "stickin' it to the man", huh?

DaveEstey UltraDork
1/13/14 12:55 p.m.

Better for your health too

onebadrsx05 Reader
1/13/14 2:10 p.m.

lmao... thats hilarious. Sounds like our meal plan at UofL, however its pretty dollar for dollar, they just mandate that you load 175$ per semester. I bought alot of useless frosty's and pizzas.

Rufledt SuperDork
1/13/14 2:51 p.m.

Watched my replay again

Mine and spool's lines aren't all that different, but I did notice a couple of differences. For one, spool brakes a little more into corners, a uses the brakes more often. I use the brakes a little into turn 1, more as a turning mechanism, then straighten out a little and do more braking into turn 2, but only a second or so and then trail off with a little oversteer and hit the gas in 4th gear. I don't touch the brakes again until I tap them entering turn 8, the "degner curve". for 3-7, I just use a little throttle lift to help turn in, and a little more for oversteer when i'm going too fast. for 9, I do about the same as spool. I haven't figured out the hairpin to my satisfaction yet, it's always a crap shoot in that corner for me. I treat 13 and 14 much the same as 1 and 2 (but a little less braking, a little more lift oversteer) into 14 when compared to 2), the important part being exit of 14 (and 2), when approaching the apex I try to floor it and not let up at all. 16 and 17 is another crap shoot place for me, hitting the rumble strips can shave seconds but drastically unsettle the car. I haven't figured out a good way to do it yet.

hope this helps

Spoolpigeon SuperDork
1/13/14 3:05 p.m.

I'll give the lift off method a try later this week. I may dick with the downforce too, as it may be slowing the car down too much on the long straights.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
1/13/14 3:16 p.m.

The Degner curve thru hairpin makes me want to punch babies. I berkeley up a massive lead over my ghost there almost without fail. I was up 2.4 seconds on my last run and invalidated it - then the rage overcame me and I quit. I'll bet it's not that freaking hard in real life.

Anybody have any tips for not butchering that section?

Spoolpigeon SuperDork
1/13/14 3:32 p.m.

You have to turn in WAY early on both kinks to avoid going off to the left.

DaveEstey UltraDork
1/13/14 4:12 p.m.

You guys are running a LOT less camber than I am. I tried to base my tune off what worked in GT5 (with mixed results).

Sadly, most of my success in GT5 with this car was based on differential settings.

Spoolpigeon SuperDork
1/13/14 4:19 p.m.

I run a ton of camber. 3.5 front, 3ish rear.

Rufledt SuperDork
1/13/14 4:45 p.m.
Spoolpigeon wrote: You have to turn in WAY early on both kinks to avoid going off to the left.

+1 to this. I often thought I was going to cut the corner turning in to soon but I never did. You can pick up a lot of speed by making sure you hit the apexes, and lose a lot of speed if you go even a little wide.

DaveEstey wrote: You guys are running a LOT less camber than I am. I tried to base my tune off what worked in GT5 (with mixed results). Sadly, most of my success in GT5 with this car was based on differential settings.

I'll try more camber later, but like I said I don't usually change settings a ton, and when I do it's usually a guess. I literally have NEVER touched differential settings beyond buying a limited slip one to stop inside wheel spin.

failboat SuperDork
1/13/14 6:11 p.m.

i run the course pretty much how rufeldt describes it.

i downshift to 4th through turn 8, downshift to 3rd diving into 9 and power out. you absolutely want to dive in early on them and clip the rumble strips, both those curves you can carry more speed than you think with that line using the weight of your car to your advantage for more grip.

4th down to 2nd while braking into turn 10, partial throttle and roll into full throttle coming out. I find that at least with my setup the car understeers too much if I leave it in 3rd gear through the apex.

I am still trying to figure out the best line/speed through 16-17. I think I have been downshifting to 2nd to help turn in, then shortshifting to 3rd through the transition and out of 17.

RE: camber. I know in real life its normal to see camber in the -3 degree + range on race cars. without telemetry data in GT6 (like forza) its kind of impossible to see what is happening as the suspension compresses, or the tire temperatures across the tire as you run laps. But my experience on forza was that sometimes a "real" setup that you might see on a real car, simply didnt work. I think it probably had to do with the game not accurately depicting the actual suspension geometry of that exact car. I feel like it was just some default geometry (or maybe there were even a couple default geometrys being used) With as many cars as there are in GT6, I assume its the same. I did have my best race setups on forza no more than -1.5 degrees front, the only time I would go even more on the rear was on a FF car.

at this point im just tuning to what I am used to I havent really had the time to realllly experiment with a setup to find that perfect balance, I just try to get it feeling good and leave it alone.

Rufledt SuperDork
1/13/14 6:38 p.m.

Told you there was more speed there

Changed nothing to the settings, just slept on it and tried again today. Kept it a bit more steady (slightly less sliding) and bought most of the time that way.

Imaginary internet beer to anyone under 2 minutes, I doubt I could get there without an technique epiphany or some pretty substantial luck.

Rufledt SuperDork
1/13/14 7:50 p.m.

Here's the vid, sorry for the weird cropping of the top of the screen, but you can still see all the data on the bottom.


Spoolpigeon SuperDork
1/13/14 8:21 p.m.

Very nice! I can definitely see where I brake and you just lift.

DaveEstey UltraDork
1/14/14 1:09 p.m.

Tried the posted tune last night. Can't drive it.

I was feeling pretty ill though, so that may have had a hand in it.

kazoospec Dork
1/14/14 4:31 p.m.

In reply to DaveEstey: Same experience. Although it seemed fast, it was just entirely too "twitchy" to turn a decent lap in for me. I wish I could claim it was illness, but more likely just ham-fisted driving. Went back to something closer to a stock tune and found it much more predictable, but slower.

BTW - what's the "shelf life" of these challenges before we try something new? I'm suggesting a change of pace - FWD compact car in London?

failboat SuperDork
1/14/14 4:41 p.m.

not sure if you guys are on wheel or controller, but i absolutely could not drive my setup for this car on controller. at all.

kazoospec Dork
1/14/14 5:26 p.m.

Oh, I'm using a wheel, apparently, this is my problem:

Also, I know the difference between you're and your, whomever made the image I unceremoniously lifted, not so much.

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