But this is the situation. I can fly from Michigan to Las Vegas dirt cheap...tickets are like $29 on certain days
Sister has a 99 Honda CBR F4 that she's looking to part with and will give me a pretty good deal on (only 4k miles on it)
How much pain would I be in riding a sport bike 1900 miles and how often would I have to stop for Gas?
Or should I just wire the money to her and have it shipped?
I think the journey across most of the U.S. on a bike would be a story to tell, But I also know the plain(sp?) states are rather hypnotically dull when going straight through
It certainly would be a story. Do you think you could bare stopping for gas every 200 miles? And do you think you'd be comfortable hunched over on a sport bike for that long?
(I'd do it)
Don't wear a backpack--try to get luggage bags for the bike and make it carry all your crap. You will have a really sore back if you don't.
If you do this in the summer, let me know. I'll ride back with you....oh wait. That won't work, unless I swing by and you ride b*tch out there with me. I could do it though, if you want to.
My wife and I did 1500+ miles in 3 days, most of it was on back roads in GA, KY, NC, SC and TN. We even hit the Gap on the way home.
She was on a F4i and I was on an Aprilia. It was not the most comfortable ride, but it wasn't horrible until the end. The Aprilia had by far the tallest rearsets and lowest clip ons of any street bike I have been on - Ducati 996 included.
We got by with tank bags and I bought a used rear seat for her CBR on ebay for $20 shipped. I then bolted the tail back to it to make it secure and so we didn't have to worry about straps. I know the F4 has a single seat so that may not work. We both had high pipes, so we couldn't use saddle bags.
3/28/10 10:36 p.m.
The F4 is actually pretty damn comfortable for a sportbike. I say do it.
3/29/10 12:13 a.m.
Do it. Whats a little discomfort for an amazing set of memories?
Another vote for the ride!
However, just in case... Haulbikes.com
I sent a Honda from CT to GA for about $350.
Add a tank bag with some fluffy cothes in it and flod down the rear pegs to give your knees a difrent angle at times you'll be fine.
Sorry, but a man having sex with another man is not as gay as riding with your feet on the passenger pegs.
For inspiration, I give you this, written by another Michigan man, about a one way trip.
When your hip seizes in place it's not gay it's getting blood flow..
even in the plains states try to take the back rds ... will make the ride much more interesting, besides back rds will give you many more opportunities to stop and stretch ... have fun..
That remark about using the rear pegs is one of the dumbest things I've ever read.
When riding a sport bike a nice big tank bag is a good thing to have, you can lean down against it and rest your arms and wrists. And, don't worry about moving your feet to the rear pegs every so often.
On my Weestrom, on solo 500+ mile days, I have been known to get up on the rear seat, and put my feet on the rear pegs to help stretch my back out. Go for it, call me gay.
My brothers did Chicago to Vegas in three days. 800-700-600miles each day. It can be done. You should get around 250-300 miles a tank.
3/30/10 4:50 p.m.
confuZion3 wrote:
It certainly would be a story. Do you think you could bare stopping for gas every 200 miles? And do you think you'd be comfortable hunched over on a sport bike for that long?
(I'd do it)
Don't wear a backpack--try to get luggage bags for the bike and make it carry all your crap. You will have a really sore back if you don't.
The F41 is not as folded over as other sport bikes. Pretty comfortable. The seat if stock, will hurt though. I much prefer the Corbin seat on my RR
Hey, I rode all over North America on a loaded down Magna. Got 80 miles to a tank of gas, and that includes the reserve. You'll have no problems getting gas, and no complaints about getting off the bike when you do.
Riding position is darn comfortable. The laid back look is only cool, not comfortable.