I haven't ridden in almost 20 years and recently decided to get a DR350SE with the aim of enjoying some adventure riding.
This weekend I am taking BRT with Team Oregon. I am having a ton of fun and learning more than I thought I would. We had a classroom session yesterday evening, and today was split between the classroom and the riding range. Tomorrow is more of the same, but with drills more focused on emergency situations rather than general riding situations. We should be practicing hard braking and swerves...whee!
Some of my classmates had never ridden at all, including one timid gal who dropped it a few times, but all stuck it out and were riding pretty well for total novices.
I was assigned a TW200, second bike on the left. Perfectly adequate, easy to ride, and fun enough for slaloming cones in a parking lot.
If I pass the course, I come out of it with an endorsement! Hope a parking-lot ride report isn't too boring, but I am pretty jazzed about it!