Klauss broght the bike over, and I tried to sit on it ... holy cow this bike is tall. I am not tall, but at 5'11" with a 32" inseam I was having trouble reaching the ground. He flipped the seat over for me and that helped a little. The motorcycle has a height adjustable rear shock, this is done via a button on the handlebar and it is used to compensate for different weights being carried. The options are solo rider, solo plus luggage, and two riders. Klauss set it to two riders and I could not reach the ground ... I thought I straighten it really fast and just hold it with one foot.
We got all our bags loaded up except the tank bag, this needed a bolt to be removed from the tank and a bracket installed. I bought all the BMW bags because my plan was to either buy one of these bikes or give them to my uncle who has one. Not only everything fit perfectly, everything was waterproof. Klauss brought tools and helped me install the tank bag.

I did a once over to make sure the tires were good, but the bike was new so not much to check. Set the GPS to Rodstock and to avoid highways. There was a "curvy road" setting, so I selected that. Good to go:

Riding out of Berlin was a pain in the butt. I failed to realize that by being on the south side and having set the GPS to avoid highways, it directed me right through all the surface streets through the middle of the city. Not only that but the height/weight of the bike was not helping.
After two hours, we reached Kremmen ... this should have taken 15' on the Autobahn probably. We stopped at a gas station and I came up with a solution for the height, I set it to solo rider. I could reach the ground fine, but now the rear suspension was bottoming out on soft, hard or any other setting. So I then started using solo plus luggage, that seemed to work fine. The settings cant be changed once the bike gets moving.
All of a sudden it started to rain hard, at first I thought I keep moving as the windshield does a good job of keeping the rain out of the way. But after 15' and my ass wet, I stopped and we put on our rain overalls.
We got to Rodstock 7:50pm, the ferry leaves at 8pm. And finding the terminal was impossible, finally got there at 8:10 ... lost the ferry. The next one was at 10pm. We parked on the lane they told us to and sat down somewhere on the side. Two hours waiting, cold as can be with my ass wet. Oh well.

Notice the Chevy '59 (I think) in the background. Two Swedes driving it dressed like the blues brothers. They bought it in the US, picked it up in Hamburg and were driving it back to Sweden. This is were I realized how crazy they all are for American classic cars. Everyone wanted to talk to them.
At 10 on the dot, a German guy drove up to me and told me that I was going in first as I was the only motorcycle. I rode up to the ramp while they were unloading the ferry.

There must have been around 30 18 wheelers coming off of that ferry. They are smaller than US trucks, but thats still a lot of trucks in there.
Riding onto the ferry was not fun. Steel deck, wet and full of oil. I rode all the way to the front against a wall and had no clue what to do. They guy inside did not speak english and did not want to help me. After a while, he signal to me how to secure the bike, but did not want to touch it due to liability I guess. I tried to ask if the boat moved a lot or not, he laughed. There was no way I could get the bike on the center stand due to the weight, I ratchet it down as much as I could with that E36 M3ty/rusty tie down they had.

After all we are going 2 hours through a small channel, there is no way it can move too much ... boy was I wrong. By the time we finished, everyone was gone and they lights had been turned off ... the boat was moving.
We went upstairs and were so hungry that all we wanted to do was eat something.

While I was eating, the boat started moving and moving more. Up and down, it felt like we were going through 50 foot waves. The boat was full of gypsies, they were all over. They start getting closer and closer and talking to you, I don't trust them. I then learned they drive to Sweden to pick berries and bring them back and sell them.
My mind was on the bike, I was sure to go downstairs and find it on top of a car. The boat was rocking like I never seen before.
After picking up the bike the plan was to ride all the way to Copenhagen, jumping onto the Rodstock-Gedser ferry to shorten the trip. Google maps told me this could be done in around 6 hours.