Do we answer bicycle (or push bike as I grew up knowing them) stuff here in sprockets?
Warning, typical Adrian long winded ramble on thoughts, musing and questions coming up.
I’m sick of crappy bikes. In our family we have a series of E36 M3 bikes. My wife actually has a nice bike. A non-suspended ‘Myata SportRunner’ ATB bike circa 89-90. Which despite being 25 years old is still a nice really bike. If had quality components so guess what, they still work!! The kids have had a series of crappy big box store bikes and I have an e-bay special double suspended alloy framed mountain bike, which while it works OK rattles, creaks and clanks down the road while never shifting right even after having it serviced and set up properly in the past. I’ve also got a freebee Columbia ATB bike which seems to be a really cheap Chinese crap bike using the name of another proud American bike manufacturer. The decal on the headstock says Columbia Westfield MA U.S.A. but not ‘made in’ I assume if I look further it will say made in China hidden somewhere. I was given it years ago for street use. Now despite the absolutely dreadful components on the bike, it’s actually really nice to ride as an urban / street bike which is exactly what I need for going to the library, nipping to the shops, going out for some exercise when I don’t want the impact of running. This is the specimen in question.
Notice the stunning bent bit of metal crank, the cheap riveted together front gearset, the paly doh derailleur and the wheels, those wheels!!! Agghhhhh I stopped using it a couple of years ago as it got to the point I was fed up of throwing inner tubes at the thing. I carefully de-burred the valve stem hole, I added extra layers to protect the spoke heads, but damn it no matter what I do it keeps eating inner tubes. No matter both wheels are bent as a thruppeny bit (English colloquialism for you).
Now a sensible person would buy a new bike, but I’m buying a new Novara (REI brand) hybrid bike for my daughter (I have $200 gift card for REI making a $600 bike a $400 purchase so it’s great value) so I’m flat out not going to buy another new bike. Instead I feel it’s time for some work on this comfy, but crappy bike.
My thinking is this. Everything on it is crap, utter total crap so buy some cheap parts of e-bay and re-furb. I sure as hell don’t need 18gears on a road bike, I’ve never needed that many on a mountain bike, I’m sure beneath hard core nutters no one needs that many gears. For simplicity I’m thinking of converting to a single speed (sure as hell not fixed gear) bike. Not for the cool hipster feel, I’m far too old, fat and I’m not into combat juggling so I can’t be a hipster, but for simplicity. I live in suburban SE Michigan so while not as flat as driving I75 through Ohio, it’s hardly hilly. Now the one thing I think I have going for me here is the drop out is almost horizontal
I think this means I can get away without a tensioner on the chain as seen below as part of this conversion kit
So, despite the fact I’m going to be out of town for several weekends, I can’t get enough time to work on the SAAB and the honey do list is as long as ever I feel the need for another part time project. There’s no hurry, I wouldn’t go and drop a couple of hundred $$’s all at once buy bits, I’d grab something this month, something next month etc. Strip the bike down, clean and re-paint the frame and do it bit by bit to be ready for next spring