Yes the GM 14 bolt kicked our ass. The cold didn't help either.
So I'll start trying to catch everyone up.
Leaving Utica I figured that we'd try and buy a lathe. First guy was only an hour away in Syracuse, NY. Called him and got the address, he said that someone was coming at noon to look at it but we were going to be there around 9 so we're golden. Guy calls back 10 minutes later and said that he felt he owed the other guy dibs. OK I can understand plus there's another one near Cincinnati that I liked better.
Call the other guy. Says that he can't be home till 4:30 but we're rolling through around 2:30. Finally agreed that we'd delay and meet him at 4:30. He says that someone else is coming at 5 but gives me the feeling that I have dibs.
So we're going through upstate NY and I'm trying to figure out how to waste time. Then I see a sign for Niagara falls. Quick check of Google maps and its on like Donkey Kong.
So when we get to the parking I see that it's $10 but hey probably the only time we'll ever get the chance. Get the ticket and notice it's free under 20 minutes. Speed touring is our theme this trip so we take that as a challenge. Asa got to see his first foreign country.
Asa and Canada

Then the falls (the mist in the middle)

Six minutes after parking we're in our truck high fiving over our free parking. We stop for lunch and a home depot for straps and we're on time to be slightly early for the lathe.
So I'm expecting a gas station at the guys exit to hit an ATM but he's in BFE so as I pass his house at 4:15 I call him and let him know that we're heading to the town to get cash but will be there at 4:30. He tells me that someone is already there and buying it. WTH happened to not getting home til 4:30? OK berkeley it we're going to see Pat.
Check into the Bed and Breakfast and head out the door to Pat's. As we're going out the lady tells us that they're having a Murder Mystery dinner party for New Years Eve. Asa ask me what that is and I see an opportunity to get him. Now I have a very dry sense of humor. I can deliver something with the straightest face ever but my son knows me well and it's hard to get him.
We get into the truck and I explain that it's a New Years Eve tradition to invite people to your house for a party. At some point in the evening the host picks out a victim and kills them. Then everyone else tries to figure out the mystery. At this point I know that I've gotten him. His eyes are big and he gets a really worried look on his face. I pause and he says "But Daddy they might choose us!!!" I start laughing and he figures it out and laughs with me. Not easy for me to get him that good.
So on to Pat's. Man I wish I lived next door to Pat. I'd be that E36 M3ty ass neighbor that's always coming over asking to borrow tools and can you help me do this real quick? Pat cuts a dually 14 bolt rear out of the truck and we start trying to figure out how to get it in my pickup. At one point he takes a shock shaft to the foot (still feel bad about that) but we finally use my truck and a tow strap to stand the axle on end with plans of flipping it into the bed. Soon afterwards it falls over and we both know it isn't going to happen. So we shake hands find my kid who's lost in the house and head to the B&B.
I let Asa stay up til midnight for the first time and 8am we're on the road to my Dad's again in SC.
He's not to good of a traveling companion when he stays up partying late.