Started on April 17 by mith612

1971 Opel Ascona 1900

This is my potential Challenge entry, a 1971 Opel Ascona 1900. The car was purchased from a local garage owner who had himself bought the car from a widow. It was last registered for the road in 1998, and has sat the intervening years. The car came to me without the engine, and missing a few other key parts, including the keys. It sat low in the yard, hence we both figured that there must be a pile of stuff in the locked trunk. After removing the fiberboard that made up the rear parcel shelf, a set of socket extensions with a screwdriver tip on the end was used to unscrew the latch. Inside the trunk included the bulk of the engine; everything except for the short block. The plan now is to continue stripping the car, removing the wet and moldy interior, getting it down to the shell. Pretty much everything in/on the car will be tossed and eventually replaced with stuff in better shape. It’s becoming more obvious now how good of a condition the car is in, as the sheet metal work needed is limited to only a few, nonstructural areas. Eventually I’ll need to source a donor drivetrain, maybe something miata or bmw powered.

Latest updates
July 06

Progress had been slow going on the Opel, as the weather conditions here in the …

June 08
The Donor, take two

After taking some time away from the drivetrain side of the project, I’m now back …

April 29
The Donor, part 2

So the Geo Tracker is a bust. Literally. Spent most of the day yesterday pulling …

April 27
The Donor, part 1

So while at work on Saturday (I work at an auto parts store), I overheard …

April 20
Teardown, part 1

Just over a week into the Opel project, and a lot of the teardown is …

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Dec. 31, 2009, 8:31 p.m.

Good luck with the project. I'll be interested to see how you do with that particular donor car. NYASCONA

Jan. 1, 2010, 5:18 p.m.

hello happy year I am looking for a Opel ascona 1900 for a project to know to the location of the car thanks to me, am living miami fl,

Jan. 1, 2010, 5:21 p.m.

am luking one ascona 1900 for a project, you have the information send messenger back the location to am living on miami fl,

June 11, 2010, 11:35 p.m.

you like sale this opel ascona 1900 send messenger a like this car please contact me thanks ,,

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