electrical articles, project cars, conversations, and more

electrical articles

Electronics & Electrical Systems: How to transform a rat’s nest of wiring into an orderly harness

Instead of just ignoring that wiring mess, some methodical work can deliver OE levels of organization.

Shop Work: How to easily diagnose common automotive electrical problems

Have some spark outside of your engine block? Here's how to fix that.

Shop Work: How to solve common electrical issues with only a test light

In building the Miata-powered MGB GT pictured, we mated the MG’s wiring harness to the Miata’s engine-management loom using nothing more than a test light.

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The Five-Pound Sack Garage: making the most of an awkward little space
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What connectors are these?
Source for jumper wires?
MB Miata 3rd brake light gasket, why can't I find one?
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