That has Lemons written all over it.
Since it has T-Bird wheels on it I'm going to guess that this engine was swapped in to this Mustang from a T-Bird Turbo Coupe. Also the last year for the Turbo 2.3L in the Mustang was 1986.
I wonder if it's a transplanted 2.3 Turbo, or he added a turbocharger to the lower level 2.3 NA motor. I missed the T-bird wheels, so it may have the wider T-bird axle,too.
Valvecover and that style intake/wheels makes the donor an 84-85 turbocoupe.
In reply to dropstep:
IDK about intake, but wheels are not 84-85, they are 87-88

3/12/16 10:53 p.m.
That fella has some intriguing lawn art. 
weird these fronts came off my 85 donor car

did not realize they were not stock
Yeah i messaged him last night. Ran but leaked coolant he had 2 people coming too look at it and i couldnt get up there until saturday