I love this bike. It's brutal, uncommon (in street form), and reliable.
I just feel bad it's not being used to it's Baja-destroying potential. Also the kickstart is kinda lame for commuting. I've also fallen in love with what could be it's polar opposite: the TW200.
Basically, it's a 1994 Honda XR600R, and it's got the HRC628 kit in it. It's street legal, everything works. Someone stole my Trailtech, so it's got a bike computer for a speedo, but that works really well. Oh and it's got a lowering link. What?! It was a tall-ass bike!
I'm in no hurry to sell, but I just had a few Friday post-work beers and figured why not? I'll put in a teaser picture, if there's more interest I'll take more.
If you have a disk-brake Turkey Whistle, or maybe a DR350, or basically any bike, let's talk trades.
Oh and the bike is located in a quaint suburb of Omaha, Nebraska.