Hello all,
The ECU in my 1994 honda civic del Sol is acting up, according to my mechanic it is "not grounding" which results in the car not starting.
Does anyone know a shop that works on ECU's? I am hoping to find one that can look at my original ECU, diagnose the problem and fix it.
Good news is that my mechanic eventually managed to find a replacement ECU, this one says "TR or TRM Motorsports" on it. Is anyone familiar with this group? Or better yet, know how to contact them so I can ask if they "tuned" it in any way?
The car now starts fine but runs sluggishly, I immediately noticed a dramatic drop in acceleration from a stop. At first I thought one of the disc brakes was not releasing completely. The mpg dropped from 30 mpg (highway+local driving) to around 25 mpg. Odd thing is that I can hear the VTEC engaging at 5700 rpm, and once the rpm's start climbing after this point the car starts to accelerate more "normally". My mechanic is guessing that the car is --always-- running on the second Cam shaft, instead of running on the smaller cam until the VTEC engagement point.
Basically, I want to fix the original ECU and put it back in!
Any help will be appreciated - Scott D. in Seattle, WA