Event #2 is in the books!
So some good and some bad. First the bad:
1. during the morning session, I was getting a horrible clunking from the front right. Everything seemed to perform fine, but it was loud and annoying. After much investigating between sessions I finally found that the collar at the top of the strut housing had loosened itself. And then I remembered that when I put the front suspension together I couldn't find my loctite and was a bit worried about the collar loosening. And it did. Duh. Managed to tighten it between the spring coils using a big channel-lock. Will do a full tighten before the next event.
- Halfway through the afternoon session in the middle of the run the car started making a terrible hissing sound and lost a ton of power. It was hard to locate the sound. Checked every vac line, the TB elbow, etc with no luck. Eventually figured out that I must have an exhaust leak at the bottom of the manifold where it bolts to the exhaust. Maybe the gasket blew out or something. That explains the loud/annoying noise and the fact that it only happens under higher loads (if you drive like gramma, it's fine). Also would explain the power loss, since that is before the primary 02 sensor. Will pull the exhaust in re-do all that stuff this weekend.
Now on to the event. The course was run on Summit Point's "Barn Course" which is new to me. It rained the night before, so the morning runs had a soft-packed clay surface that was pretty grippy actually. The course design was awesome and they actually had to change one part since people were getting a bit of air over a big bump apparently, lol. We got 5 morning runs. Morning course was very technical with at least 2 haripins that required many cars (icnluding me) to drop into 1st or really bog down. Dropping to first also helped me rotate through them. Also took a few detours through the grass after a few over-oversteer moments, haha...Nothing like plowing through windshield-high grass and hoping you're heading back onto the course and not into a gopher hole or something!
Afternoon they reversed and changed the course and by then it had fully dried out and gotten REALLY hard. Most of the course was essentially really bumpy asphalt by this point. The clay was hard enough that there were black tire marks at all the launch and braking zones. I kept hearing the rally tire guys lament that hey should have run with snow tires for better traction.
I felt very comfortable in the morning course and pretty sketch in the afternoon, personally. On rally tires too.
So also in the afternoon after my car had the exhaust issue/power loss I ran the last 3 runs (out of 6) in Spencer's 318is on snow tires. His car has a perma-reclined seat (I could hardly see over the dash, lol) and damn the stock steering is slow. HIs car clearly has alot more power than mine (M42 vs M10) but since he hasn't done much "fixing" on it it was alot looser and sloppier handling and with the stock big steering wheel and stock rack. I had trouble controlling it, honestly. My 3 runs with his car were 3-4 seconds slower than in my own, even with the higher power. The afternoon course defintely catered more to the cars with more power, whereas the morning runs were more technical.
Overall I drove well, at least in the morning. Was a bit too tentative in the afternoon, upon reflection.
Results are here: http://f1.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/UP2eT0eqW7SQIUeqwWaOLxje91_ZPeiexCYjGXs5ZoYAjF6OZWY1jREAq3ghKeIMJi_uYTV3t0kzoHBKO-jqtqU54Tymxg/2012%20WDCR%20RallyCross/Results/WDCR_RX%232_04-29-2012_prelim_results.htm
I took 2nd in RWD Modified, but only 10 seconds behind the class leader Shawn (about average of 1 second per run). He did have one DNF run that took the max, so if he hadn't had that I'd have been more like 30 seconds behind him overall (he had an ignition wire come loose). But then if I had my own car for the last 3 runs, I would have been back within 20 seconds. Also of my 4 cones on the day, 3 of them were running in SPencer's car since I couldn't control the damn thing! Whatever, in either case it was an improvement over how badly I got spanked in the first event.
Not that they really compare since the course conditions change constantly, but I felt like the conditions didn't change that much on this course since it was all hard-packed all day. Anyhow, of the 12 RWD cars/drivers entered I was 3rd fastest, behind Shawn (MR winner) and Roberto (PR winner), both in RX-7s. And within 15 second of both overall, which isn't too bad considering the gross times were in the 750-770 second time.
I was also fastest of the 6 e30 drivers overall, though not fastest on any particular runs. More consistent for sure. Granted I am in the highest class of the e30s, but I'm also way down on power compared to the others as well.
Scott (the ETA team captain) posted this up, just for fun:
[COLOR="Blue"]Fastest E30 single lap time, obviously afternoon:
66.356 Steven (PR) (Cut the course.)
66.473 James (SR)
67.103 Chris (PR)
67.318 Jay (MR)
67.375 Scot (SR)
68.023 Spencer (MR <-- why, come to SR)
E30 day totals, There will be surface differences, but who cares:
772.034 Jay (MR) (Must have cheated.)
776.290 Steven (PR)
790.331 Scot (SR)
792.298 Spencer (MR)
799.929 James (SR)
809.330 Chris (PR)
The E30 CONE Crazy (highest award):
14 James (SR) (Had the most fun of the day!)
10 Chris (PR)
6 Spencer (MR)
5 Scot (SR)
4 Jay (MR)
1 Steven (PR) (Paid some flag people.)[/COLOR]
So pretty pleased overall. More when I think of more!
In the meantime, here are some vids of the courses (good quality, and sound isn't too terrible:
And some random pics from the day:


Crowner's croo

Other randoms

Sexy Peugeot 505 that ran