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irish44j SuperDork
9/3/12 4:13 p.m.

With the car pretty much ready for next weekend, just doing some little detail stuff that I've been meaning to get around to..

First, removal of the OEM toolkit in the trunk. Not that it's heavy or in the way, but might as well since I don't need the tools. Takes about 2 minutes to remove it but the foam backing is on there pretty good. Took a while with a razor scraper and some goo-gone to get it off. And it gives me more room to stick my number magnets.

Second, the driver's door seal was pretty eaten away/disintegrated. Not really a big deal on a rallycross car, but on hot/dusty days on course, if the car is sliding a cloud of dust actually seeps through the door seal and billows into the car. I don't like eating any more dust than I need to, so had to fix that. DIdn't have a new sea and didn't want to buy one, but had an old passenger rear door seal in good shape, so I cut that up and replaced the entire lower section of the driver's door seal with it. Used some tubing connectors to make them "1-piece" and some black silicone.



I know, exciting stuff, right?

MR class for this event is shaping up to be pretty good: MR class leader RX-7 with 2 drivers PR class leader RX-7's third driver will drive it in MR '91 MR2 with two drivers (first time out this year) Nick's e28 with two drivers mine Stuart's 318is (not sure if he's running in MR or PR) Jason and Pat's 325e (they may just run the test&tune and not on Sunday, not sure)

The other BMWs are in PR and SR classes....2 or 3 more cars with about 6 more drivers.

irish44j SuperDork
9/10/12 3:33 p.m.

ok I'll do a writeup of the weekend this week when I get a chance.

cliff notes for now: Once again Shawn took 1st by a wide margin. In the morning on the wet/loose I was way behind Gorka in the other RX-7. In the afternoon on the hardpack tarmac-ish surface (my fastest surface) I clawed back and had a 1.5 second lead going into the last run over Gorka. My last run was faster than his by 0.8 seconds.

But I hit my only cone of the afternoon and ended up losing 2nd to take 3rd by 0.17 seconds (really!) on a day where comp times were over 900 seconds. Talk about close match!

So that leaves me tied for 2nd in season points with Gorka. We each have two 2nds, two 3rds, and a 4th on the season.

Teaser vid to keep all of my 2 rabid fans occupied until I do a full writeup: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O59zR2JaDQ&feature=youtu.be

lots of pics to come later too.

Taiden UltraDork
9/10/12 5:39 p.m.

I've decided to keep the e30 and go utility sedan style. Might we have a phone conversation on the subject?

irish44j SuperDork
9/10/12 6:46 p.m.

yeah, give me a shout. I'll PM my number.

mazdeuce HalfDork
9/10/12 8:11 p.m.

That clay looks fantastic. It's like the road course version of the clay ovals that they run on down here. Looks like a blast.

irish44j SuperDork
9/10/12 8:58 p.m.

Most of the guys hate it when it gets like that since it absolutely tears up snow tires and rally tires. Since my rally tires are old I don't mind tearing them up (in fact, I want to so I'm "forced" to buy some new ones )

Here's a close-up...

Winston Reader
9/11/12 9:54 a.m.

Great video! That "tarmac" course looks like a blast!

Adrian_Thompson SuperDork
9/11/12 3:01 p.m.

That look so hard that black rubber lines are being left. Would some kind of sporty street tire work better than snow or rally tires when it's that hard?

You seem to have some pretty damn good off the line accel for 'dirt' M10 not withstanding

irish44j SuperDork
9/11/12 5:00 p.m.

To answer your question, Adrian: YES

One of the MR2s in our class put on his very-wide UHP summer street tires and was faster than all of us in the afternoon (but still couldn't catch the top 3). I was thinking about putting my Star Spec street tires on, but frankly I was just too lazy. They definitely would have been faster in the PM session though. In retrospect I should have, I would have taken at least 2nd if I had. But I was also worried about messing them up (there were some big "potholes" and ruts) and had to drive 70 miles home on them, lol..

That photo was right in a braking zone for a hard switchback, so extra rubber there. But all the braking zones and turns had rubber left from all the soft snow tires peopel were running.

It's an LSD car with a pretty short 1st, so off the line it's reasonably quick. Too bad I have to shift to 2nd way fast.....

moxnix Reader
9/11/12 6:30 p.m.
irish44j wrote: To answer your question, Adrian: YES One of the MR2s in our class put on his very-wide UHP summer street tires and was faster than all of us in the afternoon (but still couldn't catch the top 3).

Only if you are counting raw times. He got me by about 1/2 second raw but I got him by 3.5 seconds once you added cones.

NONACK New Reader
9/11/12 8:09 p.m.

Hey now...

Looks to me like you actually got me by 0.276, cones or not. That said, I did kill 14 cones that day

That clay was just silly, it felt more like bumpy asphalt than anything else.

irish44j SuperDork
9/11/12 8:37 p.m.

Don't worry Chris - we all know that half of those cone hits were caused by black magic (aka Shawn's beard). He's like Sampson in the Bible. ......if we shave his beard, he will have no driving skills any longer

NONACK New Reader
9/11/12 8:39 p.m.

So, it's time to bust out the clippers then... or do we all need epic viking facial hair?

irish44j SuperDork
9/11/12 9:00 p.m.

I think I'm gonna bring the massive lamb chops for next event. Perhaps that will counteract it, lol....

I can't do massive viking hair....I work for the military!

moxnix Reader
9/11/12 9:50 p.m.
NONACK wrote: Hey now... Looks to me like you actually got me by 0.276, cones or not. That said, I did kill 14 cones that day That clay was just silly, it felt more like bumpy asphalt than anything else.

Afternoon only times.

Moxnix 450.465 - 4 seconds (2 cones) - 446.465
Nonack 454.068 - 8 seconds (4 cones) - 446.068

Difference - 0.397 Times in final results include cones.

NONACK New Reader
9/11/12 10:14 p.m.

I now see what you did thar- my rallycross reading comprehension clearly needs work.

On a related note, I found pieces of cone wedged in my rear subframe while changing my oil today.

moxnix Reader
9/11/12 10:24 p.m.
irish44j wrote: Don't worry Chris - we all know that half of those cone hits were caused by black magic (aka Shawn's beard). He's like Sampson in the Bible. ......if we shave his beard, he will have no driving skills any longer

The last time I shaved was for movember 2010.
Some people said I looked a little weird in that picture.

So I had to show them this picture.

irish44j SuperDork
9/12/12 3:38 p.m.

^ lol...

Fergj187 New Reader
9/12/12 3:42 p.m.

Josh I've been following since the beginning, but do you have a rough price on what this costs per event?

I'm not so much worried about vehicle cost as I have an idea for something cheap I could swing (as long as I can convince my soon to be fiance!)

moxnix Reader
9/12/12 6:10 p.m.

What costs are you looking at?
Entry - $60 + $10 if not an SCCA member (Extra $10 if registering day of instead of in advance)
Food - $8 for lunch delivered to site or bring/buy your own lunch.
Tires - Used rally tires can be had around $50-$90 a tire if running P/M. If running stock tire costs are going to depend on sizing. I got 15" snows for the impreza new for around $300. Since you are local to me I am sure I can help out with mounting for rallyx. With a single driver any set of tires should last a season or more.
Breakage - Depends on your car and your skills as well as your spare parts collection.
Gas - 75 miles each way + whatever you use during the day (I used about 1/4 tank with 2 drivers in a car not known for fuel economy)

irish44j SuperDork
9/12/12 7:57 p.m.

looks like Shawn covered it, though I'd add about 10 bucks worth of ice and gatorade for the cooler :)


ok, so my full wrap:

Ok, finally I'll get around to reviewing the last event......thought I'm still annoyed about it.

After Saturday's rain-soaked (but fun) test and tune, Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day with nearly perfect weather. Blue sky, 75 degrees, nice light breeze...couldn't ask for better.

The course for the day was the "barn course" which is my personal favorite because its long and it flows well but has good technical sections as well. Also because it's not very deep dirt and I'm faster when there's less dirt (the autocrosser in me, I guess).

The setup was great and VERY long....using pretty much the entire course and then some. The longest course I've done this year, IMO. In the morning it was still a bit wet from the night's rainfall, but it was graded and pretty smooth. There was a grass crossover section as well which proved to be very slippery (and my downfall in the end) when it was wet, especially since it was uphill turning right in the morning.

Here's a map of the course:

As luck would have it, the MR and SR cars ran with PA in the first session, so it was still wet-ish and fairly slippery (though not terrible). I had some traction issues, but mostly killed myself in a muddy switchback area (top left in map above) every time. Also coned on 4 of the 6 runs. After the morning session I was sitting 3rd behind Shawn (a ways ahead) and about 15 seconds or so behind Gorka in the other RX-7 (with fresh rally tires on it, so he was biting well into the softer surface where I was not).

In the afternoon we ran the same course reversed (clockwise), but by then it had hardened up and dried out considerably. Since we ran 2nd in the afternoon, it was pretty much like a tarmac surface filled with potholes and loose dirt here and there. Here's the surface:

Over lunch both Gorka and I considered swapping to our street tires (mine Star Specs, his Azeniz 615s) but I guess we were both too lazy. Chris Nonack in his MR2 did switch over and was almost as fast as Shawn in the PM (after being far back in 4th in the morning). Chris was too far back to catch the top 3, but if we had had a few more runs he might have gotten up to 2nd.

Roberto Moreton's PR-leading RX-7, also driven in MR by Gorka Arrieta

Chris's MR2

Anyhow, this kind of surface is my strong point and I started putting up runs just a bit slower than Shawn (who was already way out ahead) and much faster than Gorka, since his new rally tires weren't really helping here. After 5 runs I was about 1.5 seconds up on Gorka with one to go, and I had been faster on every run than him. I was going to take it a bit careful since I had found a fast line and the car was feeling great. Made the run, and it was one of my best times, and better than his last run by 0.3 seconds. This put me 1.8x seconds in 2nd.

BUT.....I got my only cone of the afternoon on that run. So I ended up losing second by 0.17 seconds. This after 967 seconds of comp time for the day!!!! Looking back it was a dumb cone too, at the end of the downhill left grass section where I just cut the turn a bit too tight and the rear end didn't slide like it had been doing all day, thus getting the cone with the back wheel. Pretty frustrating to say the least.

Anyhow, it was a fun day and now Gorka and I are dead-even on season points for 2nd place. Shawn will not be caught barring him just not showing up for the last two events (and maybe not even then).

Anyhow some pics from the day, though I have none of me running yet.

Stuart's 318is, running in PR.

Carl's burple peeling probe, first in SF

Adam Kimmet's two GC 2.5RS's (welded into one), currently holding 2nd place in MA

taking a break by the barn with Jesse Reitz's nice SR 325i, which won the class over the reigning champs Scott and James in the ETA

DCRallyDave Shindle in the obnoxious-blowoff-valve rally scout DSM

The ETA boyz

Old Man Scott

our grid

irish44j SuperDork
9/12/12 8:01 p.m.

oh, and results if anyone cares


Also Scott likes to post up his little "e30 results" page as well. As follows:

Scott Crowner said: Fastest E30 single lap time per session Morning 75.948 Jesse (must have cheated) 77.363 Chris 79.401 Jay-Josh 80.067 Scot 80.598 Steve 80.826 James DNF Spencer Afternoon 74.786 Jay-Josh 75.935 Jesse 76.397 Steve 77.022 Chris 78.205 James 78.224 Spencer 80.359 Scot E30 event totals, There will be surface differences, but who cares: 955.417 Chris (PR) 967.525 Jay-Josh (MR) 967.626 Steven (PR) 978.419 Jesse (SR) 1001.258 James (SR) 1012.799 Scot (SR) DNF Spencer (PR) The E30 CONE Crazy (highest award): 18 James (SR) (sacrificed beating Jesse in overall to having fun!) 11 Steven (PR) 8 Jesse (SR) 8 Chris (PR) 7 Scot (SR) 4 Spencer (PR) 4 Jay-Josh (MR) (Admit it - never going to beat Shawn - so let's work on this total!) If I made a mistake, who cares....
irish44j SuperDork
9/12/12 8:11 p.m.

So, back to working on the car now.

Finally put the GT6 in the back shed so I have some space in the garage to work this week. Now time to get that damn crank bolt off the M42 so I can do the timing stuff.

Figured out the way to do it solo without taking the engine off the stand or having anyone to counterbalance:

  1. took off the lower oil pan
  2. rotated engine upside-down
  3. cut a couple 2x4 pieces to use to block the crank from turning, internally.
  4. used a 100lb heavy-ass broken floor jack to counterbalance the engine stand since it was tipping over with all the torque I was putting on the bolt.
  5. use a 1/2" breaker bar (hoping it woudn't shear off since I don't have a 3/4" here) with a cheater pipe.

In the end it worked!

like so:

so with that off, pulled the timing cover. You may recall I already knew the main cam sprockets were pretty bad and already got a pair of good-condition ones. Now to see what the lower components look like.

The lower crank sprocket is clearly worn and will need to be replaced. The guide sprocket is fine.

unfortunately, this M42 has the old-style chain guide which makes me nervous, so I'll see if I can find a good-condition new-style guide for peace of mind.

Here's something that I'm a bit worried about is the seal below the thermostat. Internally it looks fine and seals all the way around

but on the outside it seems to have stretched out or pulled out. Trying to decide if I should replace this - looks like I would have to pull the head to do so, which is really not something that I planned to do (or want to do)


EvanB GRM+ Memberand UberDork
9/12/12 9:47 p.m.

Is camping allowed at Summit Point? I just checked the distance and it is only 6.5 hours from me. Not too bad if I decided to make a weekend out of it and come down for an event.

moxnix Reader
9/12/12 9:53 p.m.
irish44j wrote: Shawn will not be caught barring him just not showing up for the last two events (and maybe not even then).

Can't be caught. For season points we drop one event so best either of you guys could do is 48 points for the season by winning the last 2 events and I am already at 50.

Now I have to figure out what I want to do for the rest of the season events. Maybe drive the impreza? Or see if anybody wants to swap some rides or something.

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