Keeping updates coming, while I'm motivated :)
Today we got some snow, and the roads were a mess so my office was closed. So I had a day with no plans and nothing to do. So after a quick cleanup of the garage to make room to get the e30 in one bay next week, got back to the engine.

First I had to take a quick drive to pick up a couple little things. It's odd being out at 10am and seeing nobody on the usually-crowded route that I commute on..

Since I'm deleting the throttle-body preheater and the charcoal canister system, had to plug up all the ports on the TB, and then cross-splice the hose from the head to the "spider hose" that normally would go to the TB. Home Depot provided some barbed elbows that were a good fit.

Also replaced the short fuel injection hoses from each end of the fuel rail, with new clamps, just to be safe. Leaky fuel is no fun and these are easy to get to with the engine on a stand.
Also got the e30 coolant temp sensor in from FCP and installed it to replace the M50 piece, which has the wrong impedence for the VDO gauge I'm using.
off-topic - reminder I'm using the G240 from the M42 for this swap. As you can see from the bellhousing dust plates from my spare M42 and the M50, they are exactly the same pattern, other than a small cutout in the starter area (which I won't need)

Then went around and checked torques of stuff, including the big crank bolt. It takes around 300 ft-lbs, and without a torque wrench that goes that high, had to do a quick calculation using my weight on a cheater pipe to get it right.

And just like that, the front of the engine is pretty much done.
Oh, also removed the A/C pulley since I have no need for it. Made sure to add a couple washers to the bolts to compensate for the missing pulley thickness.

Next up, thinkig about how I'm going to run the wiring in the e30. The M50 harness is larger and the firewall grommet/seal piece is much larger than an e30's opening. So made up a template that I can use to cut out the correct size hole for the harness.

After 2 weeks waiting for my VANOS sprocket tool to come in, it once again got delayed for some reason. Screw it, time to do this without it, by using some long, curved-tip needlenose pliars in its place.
So, VANOS assembly off the car, needing some cleanup.

here's the "plunger" in the cyinder. These have a double-seal ring on them - a rubber o-ring below a teflon ring seal. Cleaned stuff up, installed new items. The VANOS had good resistance so probably was working fine, but this is preventative since it's easy to do while I have everything taken apart anyhow.

Once that was done and everything put back together, I could finally put the valve cover, new gaskets, etc etc back on the car. Also threw all the covers on, though I'm not totally done in there - I want to replace the coil boots before I button everything up. Set of 6 Denso boots on RockAuto for $35....on the way.