I've been looking off and on for a few years for the right 914 deal to fall into my lap. EVERY one in my price range needed substantial hell hole surgery that I knew would end any chance of me finishing it. Well I think that search is over. I haven't seen it in the flesh yet but it's paid for and ready to pick up when possible. $1800 is what I paid which felt higher than I'd prefer but oh well.
Here's a quick photo dump:


Small floor patch needed here.


I've been told it was previously swapped with a v6 of some sort. Butchery below.

And because it's a defunct project the battery tray is still mostly there with what appears to be a good hell hole. More pics to help confirm that.

Kinda love the look of it!
Now from what I can tell the pans are in good shape. The longs I "believe" based on discussion with the previous owner and some pics are in good shape. The only issue I really see is that the front sheet metal under the bumper has seen some haggard destruction. Sounds like maybe a collision but also for the v6 swap.

Here it's visible in all of it's mangled glory.

Seen from outside the bumper.

From below I can see a bolt is missing on the steering rack brace?

So that's the pic dump. Without seeing it in person I'm happy with the purchase. That may change when it's in my possession. I can't seem to find the exact front end body kit anywhere but I like it. Hoping I can patch up any boo boos on it and keep it intact. Paint wise I may try and keep it as is. Maybe pop some dents or lessen them? The main goal will be to go through the chassis and make sure it's solid. Slowly collect k24 swap parts or make them as I go along. Probably going with a Boxster or Boxster S transaxle depending on what deals are available. My budget is tight on this one so I'm going to penny pinch as much as possible to DIY whatever needs done. If there's an affordable off the shelf solution I'll go that direction but thinking motor/trans mounts can be done by me to save some cash.
In reply to hobiercr :
Me too! I'm on the fence about doing anything other than trying to keep the "patina".
Oh wow! Cool car. Cool plan!
I'm excited to follow this one!
It's only metal. I assume you have a death wheel and a welder. If so, you can tackle any of this!
In reply to wvumtnbkr :
I've got both and I feel like anything I do to the car will be an improvement, so I'll just do the best I can with whatever comes my way.
Yesss!! I'm in to follow!
In reply to Lof8 - Andy :
I'm sure I'll be bothering you soon enough for info if you're up for it!
Pretty sure this wasn't running a v6 but a 914-6 conversion. After pouring over the pics more I kept seeing this big bracket that I thought was a piece of scrap but looks to be a DIY engine mount for the flat 6. Also thinking the holes in the front sheet metal were for oil coolers, not a radiator as the PO said it was raced previously. Not sure if that is true as there's no cage but maybe autocross?
See the big offset?

They usually have mounts welded to the firewall as a conversion.

Looks like I can probably use most of the bracket for the k24 engine mount which means slightly less fab work?
captainawesome said:
In reply to Lof8 - Andy :
I'm sure I'll be bothering you soon enough for info if you're up for it!
For sure! I love the look of your chassis! I vote keep the patina! Those deep dish wheels are great. 4 or 5 lug?
edit: pic 1 shows the 5 lug 👍
In reply to Lof8 - Andy :
Yeah the PO thinks they are American Racing VN402s? I hope they don't weigh what they are listed as on the site. 41.99 pounds! Yikes!

You have got your work cut out for you. Looks like a true project car.
In reply to Scotty Con Queso :
Yeah it's gonna take a mountain of effort but that's what I was looking for anyway. Something challenging but also that won't be over in a few months time. Famous last words.
Yesterday afternoon I embarked upon the journey of 914 retrieval. I took my XJ because I didn't want to have to borrow anyone's truck and I was hoping with the 914 being just a roller it wouldn't be terrible weight wise. It wasn't completely terrible but I won't ever haul this much with the XJ again. That I'm certain of.
Anyway, I finally place eyes upon the car and it's a piece of crap. My piece of crap.
All the things so far seemed to check out exactly as represented or seen in the pics. Lots of work to do but under all the skin I think there's a good base. I winched the car up on the trailer then spent about 30 minutes getting it strapped down.

The drive home was uneventful. I took mostly back roads and avoided the interstate until the last few miles where I kept it around 65 mph. When I got home I ate some spaghetti real fast and got to unloading. That's when things started to get difficult. The fricking car wouldn't roll back. So I lifted the driver front and tried to spin the wheel. It would move but barely, so I started removing brake pads on every corner except the passenger rear. For whatever reason that was the only one that wanted to move free enough.
Since I had the wheels off I could kind of inspect my 5 lug stuff. It appears I have 911 Konis. Not sure if they are any good or not so trying not to celebrate too early.

This was also where I noticed some funky sheet metal work under the driver front. I need to get better pics and dig deeper into what's going on there because it doesn't look too appealing. Maybe some sort of damage repair on that side but the other 3 sides don't appear to be in bad shape. I'm actively trying to not just part it out and stick with the plan. After I get it all cleaned up I need to cross check suspension location measurements to make sure nothing funky is going on. I have a feeling it's all something I can address.

I'm not sure what the rears are yet. I'm assuming 911 as well but need to do more research.

It got dark right as I finished removing the last pair of brake pads. The wife helped me roll it into the garage and I decided that was all the energy I had for it at the moment. Tonight I may try and put it up on cribbing blocks so I can get a better look at the front sheet metal and any repair area that would need addressed.

captainawesome said:
In reply to hobiercr :
Me too! I'm on the fence about doing anything other than trying to keep the "patina".
I would love to own something like this as a driveabeater.
In reply to AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) :
I was going to say that's probably the most realistic end goal for this car.
Congrats on getting her home!
AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) said:
captainawesome said:
In reply to hobiercr :
Me too! I'm on the fence about doing anything other than trying to keep the "patina".
I would love to own something like this as a driveabeater.
I know a guy in Northern California who did a LSX 914. It's mechanically to a very high standard, but cosmetically rough. Supposedly he got offered a whole bunch of money for it, which makes me think that the "outlaw" movement has brought out the hot-rodder in some of these guys, and they're willing to drop some serious coin to park a contrasting vehicle next to their more conventional automotive attractions.

I like the flares and at least the structure looks solid.
I was planning to get my 914 going a couple months ago, but other priorities came up. It's a shelf in my garage now. Anyway, I have a parts car with rusted out longs and tubs full of parts from one I stripped. I also have 5-Speed and 6-Speed Boxster transmissions you can borrow for fitment, maybe keep. I'm local-ish and you have my number.
Keep it fun and don't overthink it.
In reply to Kreb (Forum Supporter) :
That car is a work of art! He's currently working on swapping one with a Ferrari drivetrain as well.
In reply to Lof8 - Andy :
Yep. That'll be a wild one for sure! He goes easy on his builds once they are done. I'd be too corrupted by all that power not to flog it.