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tuna55 UltimaDork
11/4/14 7:59 a.m.
mazdeuce wrote:
Mad_Ratel wrote: this E36 M3 makes drywall look easy... Tape and mud man...

I've done both. I'd rather be welding, but yeah, sheetrock gets mud and texture and thick paint. No contest as to the finish quality. Then again, I can hold a piece of steel without it folding in on itself and crumbling into a hundred dusty pieces, so there is that.

tuna55 UltimaDork
11/4/14 8:03 a.m.
bluej wrote: Tell me more about hot-rod tea pot. I get tired of coffee.

Get a teapot like this.

So there is a plunger deal which allows you to stop it from steeping when you push the leaves below the holes or something like that. Rip that out and put a nice wooden cabinet knob in the top to plug the hole. Then take a larger drill bit and drill out a few dozen of the holes to make it stronger. I can steep tea for fifteen minutes and it has an excellent flavor. Better than two minute pansy tea.

tuna55 UltimaDork
11/4/14 8:06 a.m.

In reply to Dusterbd13:

In reply to Mad_Ratel:

I honestly found that the original shaved drip rail was pretty weak in that regard. You have to remember that this was a pickup from GM, so not a ton of care was taken with stuff like stamping the cab. The straight steel was 19 gauge. When it went around that compound curve it was stretched much thinner than that. What is stock there is tough to weld even at the lowest heat range with the 0.023 wire. You can't get a copper backing on it because it's all enclosed.

The other side was all weld bridges all pooled together and ground off. This side is too wide for that. I will probably cut off the steel to the right of the gap and weld a strip on from the cut line on the left to the door strip on the right. I stopped last night because I wanted to think about that more.

And also because it was like 11:45. And 40 degrees.

tuna55 UltimaDork
11/4/14 8:15 a.m.

In reply to Dusterbd13:

She's OK. Tough to breathe cold air, can't bend over to do things like changing diapers or putting kids on the potty without pain, still has sensitivity to spicy things, can't blow her nose, fatigue, sinus pain, blah blah.

To give you an idea of how tough Tunawife can be, she was prescribed some fancy pain medicine for a week, with the knowledge that she could overlap by 40 minutes, take an extra half pill, get a refill after a week (because they only give one week on this stuff), and she took like four pills the whole time.

At her follow up appointment, her ENT said "Wow, most people can't drive themselves to the follow up..."

So she'll make it. The really unfortunate part is that after all is done, she'll still be married to an old bald guy.

Dusterbd13 SuperDork
11/4/14 8:38 a.m.
tuna55 wrote: In reply to Dusterbd13: The really unfortunate part is that after all is done, she'll still be married to an old bald guy.

i know my wife couldve married a far sight better than she did. i got incredibly lucky.

and glad to hear shes finding her way through it all without the meds. thyre evil and nasty.

ill keep her in my prayers.

and the spicy stuff? i didnt have nasal surgery and still cant tolerate it.


tuna55 UltimaDork
11/4/14 8:50 a.m.
Dusterbd13 wrote: and the spicy stuff? i didnt have nasal surgery and still cant tolerate it. michael

I mean like "don't put Paprika on that. or pepper. Or garlic" not just hot spicy...

Dusterbd13 SuperDork
11/4/14 8:56 a.m.

damn. i couldnt do without my onion salt and garlic powder. im pretty sure that the world would come to and end.

sorry for the threadjack. granted, your build thread has been threadjacked so many times now.....


NOHOME SuperDork
11/4/14 8:56 a.m.

Thing with welding up holes is that once you get a bead tacked on, you are no longer welding on ultra thin metal: you are welding on to the thickness of the bead you just made.

In a case like Tuna's. I like to weld from the top down. I would start in the middle of the upper end of the grove trying to point the gun almost parallel to the grove you are filling. This way, it is more like welding a very narrow piece of very thick metal.

Remember, the weld bead is liquid. It will run down the sides until it freezes. As it freezes, it will leave the edge thicker than it was. Just keep exploiting this and you can just about knit a panel. I dont let things cool down too much, as soon as the bead stops glowing red, you can hit it with the next one. By not letting things cool too much, you avoid the bird poop look when done.

The sketch shows how the red bead will be thicker than the surrounding tin. You CAN control the thickness. Takes a bit of thought and practice. (don't ask me why the picture wont work today!)

SkinnyG Dork
11/4/14 9:41 a.m.
tuna55 wrote: Get a teapot like this.

I do Chinese gunpowder green tea in a French Press. As long as you don't scald the leaves, it works well. Heavy staining on the teeth, though....

Mad_Ratel Reader
11/4/14 6:45 p.m.

being from a true british/dutch colony what you do to tea is just... ugh.

I just have a big ol mug o tea with some rusks. I remember having a cup of tea while helping dad work on the car from being a little boy. Nothing better than being greasy in overalls with a mug o tea.

tuna55 UltimaDork
11/4/14 9:35 p.m.
Mad_Ratel wrote: being from a true british/dutch colony what you do to tea is just... ugh. I just have a big ol mug o tea with some rusks. I remember having a cup of tea while helping dad work on the car from being a little boy. Nothing better than being greasy in overalls with a mug o tea.

What's wrong with making strong loose tea?

tuna55 UltimaDork
11/4/14 9:48 p.m.




So it looks pretty good now, eh?

I need to use my slide hammer to pull out that weld seam before making it totally smooth, but I am overall quite happy with that turnout.

Mad_Ratel Reader
11/5/14 6:33 a.m.
tuna55 wrote:
Mad_Ratel wrote: being from a true british/dutch colony what you do to tea is just... ugh. I just have a big ol mug o tea with some rusks. I remember having a cup of tea while helping dad work on the car from being a little boy. Nothing better than being greasy in overalls with a mug o tea.
What's wrong with making strong loose tea?

When you over steep it such as you do it becomes very very bitter/acidic... Very very bad for your teeth.

I do make huge pots of tea very strong though. just not that strong. My dad's bag barely touches the water and the tea w/o milk is almost clear. It's revolting...

fyi, I had a nice cup of black tea while posting that last night :D.

Mad_Ratel Reader
11/5/14 6:34 a.m.

also; I need to go to the tuna school of awesomeness... Seriously. I want to see if I can weld at all before I go head over heels into a project...

tuna55 UltimaDork
11/5/14 6:39 a.m.

In reply to Mad_Ratel:

Heck dude I bought a welder specifically to start this project. You'll figure it out.

Mad_Ratel Reader
11/5/14 6:58 a.m.

My dad is the one that worries me. He used to build iron gates as spare money. and he HATES welding saying that it's terrible to do and not fun at all...

moparman76_69 SuperDork
11/5/14 7:02 a.m.

As long as you don't start welding as a job you'll be fine. I'd hate it too if I had to weld the same thing over and over every day.

tuna55 UltimaDork
11/5/14 7:07 a.m.
Mad_Ratel wrote: My dad is the one that worries me. He used to build iron gates as spare money. and he HATES welding saying that it's terrible to do and not fun at all...

You live close enough, bring something that you want to weld and I'll let you play around for a while.

volvoclearinghouse Dork
11/5/14 8:48 a.m.

I love to weld. It's therapy. BTW, Tuna, nice job on that. No more gap!

Tea can definitely be overbrewed. When I'm stuck with the cheap Lipton bags, I steep it for about 30 seconds. Any longer and it gets bitter. Even a good English Breakfast or Earl Grey I only go maybe 3 to 5 minutes. Green tea uses hot, but not boiling water. Everything else uses just-off-the-boil H2O from our copper teapot. I prefer loose leaf, but bag is just so much more convenient.

NOHOME SuperDork
11/5/14 9:12 a.m.
Mad_Ratel wrote: also; I need to go to the tuna school of awesomeness... Seriously. I want to see if I can weld at all before I go head over heels into a project...

In case you have not been following this thread...going "Head over heels into a project" IS the "school of awesomeness".

VWguyBruce HalfDork
11/5/14 7:42 p.m.

Gap looks awesome. I can't wait for my next welding project. Really enjoy it when it's working.

tuna55 MegaDork
11/5/14 10:24 p.m.

Thanks guys! I actually got a little discouraged tonight at how smooth the B pillar is, but it will have to do for now.

The real welding project was this:1890386_10203838516336246_3999245851150603219_o

That's Tunakid #1, he's six. He did a decent job after some coaching.

Dusterbd13 PowerDork
11/5/14 10:30 p.m.

Dude, that is the most fantastic picture I have ever seen.

You're a great father.

Mad_Ratel Reader
11/6/14 5:55 a.m.

He looks like vader in that pic.

It's awesome!

tuna55 UltimaDork
11/6/14 7:00 a.m.

Thanks guys!

It was a messy night and morning, and I am not really that happy with the waviness of the pillar right now, but the kid welding made it a good time overall.

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