Had a nice long Sunday working on the truck, I did a ton of little stuff that doesn't really show up too well.
I think it was on Friday that I flipped the seat sliders.

The Mk1 seats and MK2 seats have the lever on opposite sides. I was going to swap the passenger and driver since this is running MK2 seats. However, the driver seat has extra adjustments I didn't want to loose.
So now they are ambidextrous!
I also replaced the heater fan and added fresh foam to it to keep the rattles down.
Then I set about mounting the clutch interlock switch.
First I made all of the these prototype parts.

Then I threw them all out and welded a chunk of the MK3 pedal cluster to a little bolt clamp and didn't take any pictures of it. It's ugly anyway.
Next up trying to get the MK3 gauges into the old dash.

Well that's not gonna fit. I ended up cutting away a bunch of the old dash plastic.

It kinda fit after that but it still ran into the steering support brace, so I had to nick that too.

And she's in... mostly, there are still some spacing and visibility issues that everyone on the VW forums says is fine... we'll see about that.

I also mounted the ECU so it's not just kicking around on the floor anymore.
Then I would finally get to put the Dynomat down on the floor!
No, wait.

Some dumbass painted POR-15 on the floor for no good reason!
Well that side took me hours and was enough of a pain for me to say berkeley it to the other side and just stick the Dnyomat down over it. Oh well... that's a problem for future me.

In other news, The wife told me she needs some 8 foot chunks of lattice that wouldn't fit in her car this week. So I said, "Hey! I have a truck, I'll get them for you!"
Can I get the floors done, the seats in, the fenders, doors and hood on in two days? Stay tuned to find out!