Took the NA for a quick test drive this morning to try out the shifter, which works great. Honestly, the eBay shifter it replaced was 85% as good for 30% of the price, though it was finally starting to show some wear after 6 years. I was also running with the power steering belt off, just to see how it felt. I've been having issues with the power steering fluid boiling on track, and I was planning to de-power when I installed an NB subframe and rack down the road a bit. Looks like I'm going to do it a little sooner...
Also installed a rear-cradle bushing lockout kit in the ZL1. It would give a little wiggle in the rear when changing directions and getting hard on the throttle (like a pass on a two-lane road). Minor, but a bit disconcerting... The kit, from BMR, was a lot less hassle than installing the solid bushings from the 1LE, and provides 90% of the benefit. The rear is now much more locked down in quick transitions, and when getting on the throttle when changing directions.