Well, progress, and frustration...
Things were looking good for getting the car running this weekend, and that was the plan. I had been checking things off the list all day on Friday, and had finished almost everything that needed to be done to start testing the sensor inputs and MS3 outputs. I was down to bleeding the clutch hydraulics, and filling the trans with magic Ford Motorsport synthetic fluid. That's when everything went sideways.
For the first time in 35+ berkeleying years of working on cars, it slid off the jack while I was raising the car...
The jack slid off the crossmember, and drug across the crank pulley as it went down. Took a chunk out of the front of the pulley, broke the crank position sensor, and driver's side fan housing.
Crank pulley:
DSC_0257a by Rodan AZ, on Flickr
DSC_0258 by Rodan AZ, on Flickr
E36 M3.
After I finished throwing things around the shop, and took inventory of the damage, I hit the computer and started looking for parts. Of course, it's 330pm on a Friday... The closest real Miata salvage outfit in Phoenix (90 miles, one way) isn't even answering their phone.... So, I figure since the crank position sensor is critical, and the pulley is also a damper, new beats unknown used and I pull the trigger on new parts. I went back out to the garage, and superglued the crank position sensor back together, thinking it might at least work for MS3 testing, and called it a night.
So yesterday, I filled the trans and finished bleeding the clutch. Then it was time to start testing inputs/outputs for the MS3. Being my first time with the software, things went slowly but I was able to sort things out. I had an issue with the coolant temp sensor, which after about an hour of internet research, wiring diagram scrutinizing and head scratching, I finally figured out and got it working properly.
Spark test went fine, but I was having trouble with the injectors. At first, I could get no response, but after a few runs they started working. Except for one. I don't know how long this motor had been sitting before I picked it up, but it's been sitting over a year since, so I think they were all a little sticky. I clearly remember dropping one injector on the garage floor when I tore the motor down, so that may be the one that's not working. I got a good cam signal, but nothing from the crank. I'm going to try again today to see if I missed a setting, but I figured it wasn't going to work anyway.
So this morning, I ordered a used fan from fleaBay, and after looking at the prices on stock injectors, pulled the trigger on a cleaned and flow balanced set of 4 from Treasure Coast Miata. I figure if I'm going to pull the manifold to replace one, I might as well do all four, and the set was about the same price as one new injector. So, now it looks like next weekend will be the first start... assuming all the parts show up.