1990 RHD Mazda Eunos/Miata/MX-5 for sale
Below is my YouTube link. The background noise is the car idling.
Track car that is CA street-registered! Please see ebay item #21196158465 for the full description.
http://www.ebay.co /itm/321196158465?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
Nobody likes Miatas here, but a Eunos...
I appears your link and item number are bad, but I did find this:
8/30/13 10:57 a.m.
Mother of god......I'd give $350 for it just to set it on fire in front of the current owner.
Start your LeMons build...with a lemon...
That matches the number he gave the first time.
The rear roll bar tubing is of exceptional quality. I don't know if I'm more impressed by the 5 lb chunk of weld goober or the crushed ends on the pipe.
8/30/13 2:20 p.m.
In reply to Keith Tanner:
Oh, its not welded........its just black RTV silicone you're seeing there along with spray painted Great Stuff foam.
That is possibly the scariest roll cage I have ever seen. I feel like I could weld better with a blindfold on, and I am effing terrible at welding.
What an atrocious pile. And to think I opened this thread expecting something cool...
EDIT: I just sent him an eBay question asking which series/club it has been raced with since it is a 'race car' after all. Curious to hear his response...
8/30/13 3:26 p.m.
And the seat is bolted to it! It has to be safe.
To be fair, I suspect that PO did most of the work- and he bought it, was unable to race it due to that AWESOME cage, and is trying to dump it.
If he bought it with that roll cage, then consider that the same person welded the RHD front clip on...
Can some one please tell me just what in the berkeley happened here?
I mean jesus Christ that's just spawn of a sick dog and a drunk army private.