Back in the day -- say, in the early to mid Eighties -- what was typically used for mud flap material? I see pictures of Lancia 037 Rallys with their mud flaps rolled up, and when cars of that period were on the road the mud flaps were indeed flapping in the breeze. Question is, what were they made of? Polyurethane doesn't really act like that, so what was it? Anyone have an idea?
In reply to rallymodeller:
perhaps rubber, like tractor trailers?
Lof8 wrote:
In reply to rallymodeller:
perhaps rubber, like tractor trailers?
I wondered about that, but the range of colours was more varied. Maybe rubberized canvas?
Typically heavy duty mud flaps in the '70s and early '80s were made from conveyor belt material.
I thought this was going to be about Curtas....
In reply to David S. Wallens:
Why, yes it does. Thanks!
I think the idea of conveyor belt material might have some merit -- there is a place in town that supplies industrial fabrics. They might have something like that. Mainly on my build I am looking for that superhero cape flying in the breeze look, as well as being period-correct.
Conveyor belt is what i used to make my mudflaps out of.
I was hoping this would be a question about old rally timers...
Mud flaps are cool too!
Here's my most vintage piece of rally equipment. It's a first generation Terra Trip rally computer. When we sent it back to Terra Trip for repair they replied they didn't have any documentation on it except for a magazine ad from 1970.

And an arty photo of the SAAB cockpit.

To go with my '80s rally theme, I'd love to find a Halda Rally Computer. I am not, however, willing to pay as much as my car for one.
In reply to rallymodeller:
I bought a Curta about 20 years ago after years of searching. Mine was bought new for rally use in a '65 Mustang. That was a nice bonus, since I had two '65s. A friend of mine still has the Halda Twinmaster that he bought new for his Rally Saab.
Never had a computer, though my buddy who worked for NASA built one that ran on 12vlt. & was tough on the car battery. (It got us pulled over several times in Va. because the cops there assumed it was some kinda fancy "fuzzbuster.")
However I'm sitting on a Twin Master, complete with the full leather sleeved set of odometer correction gears. Plus a pair of Heuer HL430 Microsplit digital readout decimal minute stop watches, with splits timing. And a Radio Shack Programmable Calculator. (It works great but you have to reprogram it by hand every time you turn it back on.) I haven't seen your car but I doubt I'd trade you even for this stuff.
BTW: '80s rally gear isn't vintage! Geez, that's pretty new stuff!