Looked at Hemmings (a rival website-gasp!) and saw a topic about a guy who drove a blue MGBGT thru the winter. Well the tinworm became terminal and he had to park it. He runs a sportscar repair shop and had another one ready to go.
I'm of two minds on this one. It is really fun to drive a sportscar in snow and/or slop like the RAC or Monte. But on the other hand you know you are sacrificing the car to the tinworms. What does everyone else think?
I do know I do not miss driving my cars in the rustbelt. West Texas may fade the paint and rock chips are common but I'll take this problem instead.
I just hate rust in general. I did once drive a '74 Karmann Ghia through a full-blizzard. Other than freezing my ass off, the little Ghia did really well.
I had a '79 Turbo Mustang w/those weird TRX wheels&tires. The ONLY time I had problems was when I'd do a "John Buffum on the POR rallye" and end up stuffing it into a ditch. Otherwise it did well even with that light a**-end.
But the paint got that late 70's Ford mange color, the wheels coroded and the rust started. A lot of that really was my abuse and neglet to be honest.
Forgot, west Texas gets lots of hailstorms. But still those problems are still easier than dealing with rust.
12/19/07 9:52 a.m.
I had a neighbor that bought classic Mustangs, drove them for a few years, through the winter in NJ, then sold it and bought a newly restored one.
He discovered what we all know. It costs more to retore than you can sell it for and he captalized on that fact.
We got into a few heated discussions on the subject as I found it just wrong to see a nice classic Mustang covered in road salt.
Botton line - It's his car to trash as he saw fit.
Before they were classics we drove MGs, Fiat Spiders, Triumphs, Vws and Porsches through winter. They rusted like all cars of the time did as salt was being introduced before suitable rust proofing was available. By today's standards the defrosting and heating was poor, they started poorly, plastic "glass and other bits broke, electrical systems were weak and wipers slow. These cars were often sold as "first" cars to us since the original owners were frustrated with winter performance.
A modern Miata would fare better. I just was in one during a recent Ontario snow storm and it did very well. It also has been used for 5 winters and, with regular rust treatments, still looks respectable.
I would always have a classic sports car as a second string car for pleasure and an appliance for every day driving. It is no fun working on a classic if you need it the next day to get somewhere other than a car show. I am in Oklahoma and my Fiat never is put away for long.
Lately I have seen a handful of old 280Z and ZX cars running around town. Sadly/badly abused but also rusty. And the strange thing is they all have New Mexico plates on them. Does NM use salt on there roads? Of course I don't know where the poor old cars came from orginally.
Does a car around salt water like a left or right coast or gulf coast car rust worst, differently, or less then one that is driven thru a winter with salty roads?
Not that I do this regularly, but every once in a while what the hell. I read that article in Hemmings and really enjoyed it. There was one that preceeded it about a GT6 that was driven year round as well and showed some strain. I love taking my car out on days like this just because I think it looks awesome. No damage is irreversible, and a rust free car can stand a few exposures if you take car afterwards. I would never drive my car daily in the snow and salt, although I did drive my previous GT (74) in Chicago for five years straight year round and parked it on the street in front of my apartment! It ended up as a donor for someone elses project anyway! Oh well.
Tim mentioned driving a Karmann Ghia in a snowstorm. What was it like to drive a swing axle car like a Bug or 356 on snow or ice. I've heard people swear by them and swear at them for winter driving. Anyone brave enough to drive a early Spitfire in the winter?
They don't salt the roads here, so this serves excellently year-round:

If it is a practical classic like an MGB GT, we say use it! If you have the guts to drive it in the snow, more power to you.
Now a special one-of-a-kind restored car is another story....
Here is one of our favorite snow pics...it was on our Christmas feature this year.....

I never tried it with my Alfa GTjr, but I quickly tired of peering through the football-sized area of clear windshield that my TR4A's defroster barely maintained. The low ground clearance limited my storm-day mobility, too. On the other hand, I had a ball every winter with my R17 Gordini (does that belong in CMS?)
I love that pic of the 356! Do you have it in a larger format? PM me if it's something you are comfortable sharing.
VClassics posted a neat picture. Brings back chilling memories of living in IL.
That has got to be the COOLEST picture of any 356 I've ever seen! I need that as poster for the shop wall.
I would drive my TR3 till November and put it on blocks. Transfer the plates, and drive a Saab 93 with a 850cc 3 cylinder 2 cycle engine.
The DMV would go NUTS!
Yes, I did put the oil in the gas.