my '96 astro van has had starting issues seance last fall... van broke down and didn't run for a while and it's just finally getting warm enough to do work on things...
started with a simple cycling of the fuel pump a few times and it would start with out a prob... eventually got to the point that it wouldn't start without starter fluid... but once it was warm it would start no prob.
now as weather is warming up a bit some mornings I can get it started by cycling the fuel pump a few times.
1st thing I thought was fuel pump... but being that it's cold start related is there something else I should look at?
injector spider bleeding down?
if you need any injector or intake related parts i've got a whole 96 astro engine sitting here that ran perfect and started every time so all the injection stuff is good here.
aka fuel pressure somewhere in there is leaking out?... grr... lol
3/13/10 7:51 p.m.
Fuel pressure regulator? About $50 at a parts store.
3/14/10 1:43 a.m.
I'd definitely expect fuel pressure related, most likely worn fuel pump. The spiders from that era are particularly finicky about fuel pressure.
Edit: Oh yeah, don't forget to check out the coolant temp sensor (and perhaps oxygen sensor).