I couldn't connect to your site - it was giving me DNS failure. I was using the Google open DNS on my computer at work (i.e. their DNS server but changed it to our ISP's DNS server and it connected okay. Just thought you might like to know there's something funky going on with your domain. Google must not know the IP address for some reason.
I'll have to check into that. Not sure why google would have an issue. That domain has been around for several years.
a couple more codes posted today. short term ones though.
Got a distributor for 40 bucks off. I love promo codes.
Todays updated codes
Advance codes
JCwhitney discount links.
updated advance codes
PubBurgers wrote:
The stores will not match the online prices (I work at advance). Also, the receipt you get from the store when you pick up the parts will not reflect the price you actually paid online.
Exactly. I found this out on a set of shocks. The store wasn't aware of it either at that time.
I added the new advance codes, and some deals from tire rack to the "blog"
Is Advance still on sale? I would be interested in looking at the car parts and the price list. Seems that they are of the best quality products.