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irish44j PowerDork
3/13/15 5:59 p.m.
dculberson wrote:
GameboyRMH wrote:
Driven5 wrote: Do you all apply the same rationalizations to domestic violence?..."I heard he was a reasonable guy, and I doubt he would have punched his wife and kids for no good reason. They might have got what they deserved. They probably had it coming."
The difference is that there's an inherent wrongness to punching women and children.
There's an inherent wrongness to hitting a co-worker, and you would be immediately fired for that in the US. There's an inherent wrongness to hitting any other person - barring self defense.

Just throwing it out there: You walk in on a guy banging your wife. You wouldn't punch him?

Driven5 HalfDork
3/13/15 7:00 p.m.

The wife is the one to blame in that scenario.

irish44j PowerDork
3/13/15 7:08 p.m.

Also, perhaps i'm wrong, but the article I read said he "attempted to punch" the producer....not that he actually made contact...

irish44j PowerDork
3/13/15 7:09 p.m.
Driven5 wrote: The wife is the one to blame in that scenario.

let me rephrase: you walk in on a co-worker or friend of yours banging your wife...someone who actually knows you and that you're married.

Driven5 HalfDork
3/13/15 7:18 p.m.

This whole defense mechanism of focusing the blame and anger towards the 'other' person is something I've never reallu understood...The wife still carries the lions share of the blame.

Smarta$$ McPoopyPants
Smarta$$ McPoopyPants MegaDork
3/13/15 7:58 p.m.

I made a delicious fracaca for dinner tonight. Complete with re-re-fried-re-post beans.

chiodos Reader
3/13/15 8:09 p.m.

Post re-re fried beans. The gas that keeps on giving

bigbens6 Reader
3/14/15 7:19 a.m.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Driven5 wrote: Do you all apply the same rationalizations to domestic violence?..."I heard he was a reasonable guy, and I doubt he would have punched his wife and kids for no good reason. They might have got what they deserved. They probably had it coming."
The difference is that there's an inherent wrongness to hitting people in general because one is incapable of self control or using words like a mature adult.

Fixed that quote for you, it has some "misspellings"...

I am a big TG fan and a big JC fan but if he did in fact take a swing at someone over a heated discussion or argument without being assaulted first he needs to go, as sad as it makes me.... the standard set that "if your popular enough its forgivable" is disgusting.... michale vick, ray rice, countless others, if they were your neighbor you would never forgive and forget like people do all the time, he is a funny guy and great at his job but if these accusations are true he is a peice of E36 M3 and needs drop kicked to the door...

Nick_Comstock PowerDork
3/14/15 10:03 a.m.
Driven5 wrote: There is inherently something wrong with punching anybody, when not acting in self defense.

Completely and wholeheartedly disagree with you and I'm glad I don't live in your world.

Driven5 HalfDork
3/14/15 10:49 a.m.

Yeah it sucks living in the world of reasonable, rational, and moral adulthood...It's much better to live in the undisciplined man-child world.

Nick_Comstock PowerDork
3/14/15 10:52 a.m.

I was thinking more Bob Costasfied than adulthood...As an adult, at work, I have been punched, kicked, choked and had many dangerous and deadly things thrown at me. And I've reciprocated. I've found the best way to get some ass whole to leave me alone is the hardest uppercut possible directly in the nutsack. Physical altercations are a fact of life in my world, I've never even considered telling anyone or filing any reports. That's just not how things are handled. Punch the motherberkeleyer in the nuts step on his throat and tell him the next time he even thinks of putting his hands on you your going to rip his intestines out with your bare hands and he'll get the point. If this producer was any kind of a man he would have done the same thing to Clarkson.

Paper pushers are such Bob Costas's.

pres589 UltraDork
3/14/15 11:00 a.m.

In reply to Nick_Comstock:

Haha, good lord. If you don't elevate confrontations to the point of swinging first, you're a Costa? Pfft whatever.

Driven5 HalfDork
3/14/15 11:00 a.m.

Mistaking kindness for weakness is the first folly of the man-child.

I am curious though: In your world, who gets to determine when somebody else is justified in punching you?

Nick_Comstock PowerDork
3/14/15 11:05 a.m.

In reply to Driven5:

See my edit above

PS; You guys are so gullible

Driven5 HalfDork
3/14/15 11:11 a.m.

Ok...Now I'm justified in punching you!

chaparral HalfDork
3/14/15 11:47 a.m.

Anyone think Darrell Waltrip would be the best replacement available? He can talk, he can drive.

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/14/15 1:06 p.m.

No! No! No! As a life long NASCAR fan I have never found DW entertaining. The only thing I would want to hear him say is "ow, my balls! Stop doing that!"

Hal SuperDork
3/14/15 1:32 p.m.
chaparral wrote: Anyone think Darrell Waltrip would be the best replacement available? He can talk, he can drive.

As long as it gets him off the NASCAR broadcasts, I'm all for it.

fasted58 UltimaDork
3/14/15 1:50 p.m.

Suitable replacement... accent, attitude and a temper. What could go wrong.

Bernie from Classic Car Rescue

pres589 UltraDork
3/14/15 2:22 p.m.

Was the Waltrip suggestion a joke and we just don't get the tone? Or are you seriously suggestion a NASCAR "personality" head the TV show with the most global viewership currently going?

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/14/15 3:01 p.m.

In reply to pres589:

Jaynen Dork
3/14/15 6:45 p.m.


"In a piece titled "So we lose the tiger... but gain acid-spit snail," Jeremy Clarkson talks about nature's battle against extinction and the future of the Top Gear trio. Without further ado, this is how Jezza broke the silence in his most recent column for the tabloid:

"I THINK it’s fair to say that nature made a mistake when it invented the dinosaur. It was too big, too violent and with such small and puny arms it was never going to be able to operate heavy machinery or even enjoy a bit of special “me” time." Pretty easy to understand, but we haven't even got to the most tear-jearking part yet.

“All the dinosaurs died and now, years later, no-one mourns their passing. These big, imposing creatures have no place in a world which has moved on.” What these two lines point at is the dying of Top Gear as a show and how the presenter will have to move on.

Despite 880,000-plus signatures for the #BringBackClarkson petition, Jezza suggests that all our efforts were in vain: “You can start as many campaigns as you like and call on the support of politicians from all sides, but the day must come when you have to wave goodbye to the big monsters, and move on.”

This is the end and we can't do anything about it..."

mr2peak GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
3/14/15 7:31 p.m.

I WANT MY 918 vs P1 vs LaFerrari RACE!

irish44j PowerDork
3/14/15 7:36 p.m.

Apparently Anonymous launched a denial of service attack on the BBC website today in protest of....well.....who berkeleying knows really. Maybe they love Jezza. Or maybe they just are scared that someone from TGUS will take his place....

Jaynen Dork
3/14/15 10:00 p.m.

I actually liked TGUS, but nothing will replace the chemistry of the standard top gear

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