The previous owner swapped lug bolts for studs on my '05 MINI. Is be fine with that if:
a - he used regular lug nuts
b - he hadn't lost the key for the nuts.

Other than hammering a 12-point socket over them and spinning them off, are they other options?
I went to a tire shop and they didn't have a key. I'd rather buy the adapter, but I'll do what I have to do now.
In reply to DrBoost :
5 grooves, equally spaced?
What about getting a hex socket and removing the studs with nuts included. Easy peasy 
Looks like a spline drive. I'm surprised the tire shop didn't have one. Auto Zone/Orielys/etc should have a socket that fits.
I have three of them on my toolbox now but it's a bit far away.
Dorman makes 6 spline nuts and sockets. Any parts store should have a Dorman catalog and be able to get a socket overnight.
I've got an old Craftsman lug out set I use for old lug locks. I'm sure some other company makes something similar.
Any other tires shops in the area? I'm surprised the shop didn't have it. A local shop helped me get nuts off my ambulance.
I have many sets of similar spline drive lug nuts. A regular socket actually will work on them, I think 17mm. Might be 16mm. Definitely needs to be six point, though!