10/27/08 12:50 p.m.
I have a '88 Prelude beater that has some gummy carburetors. As it is a beater and the carburetors are slammed up against the firewall with not much wrenching space, I'd rather not take them off to rebuild/clean them.
Does anyone have a favorite carburetor cleaner that you put in the tank and run it through the fuel system?
I've tried Seafoam in the tank and the STP Carburetor Treatment.
Any other brands that might work better? Or other grassroots suggestions?
Try Techron from Chevron. You can get it from pepadvancezone. I have had experience with this on the CIS system Mercedes uses. Run it thru strong, Like 1/4 tank of gas with a full bottle, drive the car somewhat hard, then change the oil.
If you want to clean the throat of the carb, spray some down there while the engine is running, it'll help blast carbon from your cylinder walls too. Just be sure to change the oil afterwards.
As for fuel system cleaners, I dunno, I've heard Seafoam and Run-rite work well, and I've also heard that adding some diesel to the fuel helps clean out the lines. I did that once, and at one point it took a big gulp of it and started pinging and black smoking like a mofo, but nothing bad happened.