11/6/09 6:30 p.m.

So I could buy this entire car as is for $450, use the M42 and 5 speed in my 2002 with not too much difficulty - no heavy fab req'd, just need motor and tranny mounts and pounding out the tunnel a little bit. Then there are 4 bottlecaps to sell as well as the front sheet metal and doors. Maybe the interior is decent enough to sell some of it too.
This looks like a no brainer. Don't see how I could come out behind on this deal. Just no space (currently up to 5 cars) and a wife that would not be so happy with the plan.
Since it's an iS it should have a sport seat interior, which should get you some decent money right there. If you were closer I'd offer to buy that front bumper.
the rare e30 ti? That is a pretty nasty hit that car had.
I think you can definatly come out ahead
11/7/09 6:07 a.m.
Posted on the right message boards, that car would be a shell pretty quickly. You really should go for it.
With the economy the way it is and more cheap/broke kids buying these cars, parting them would be more hassle then it's worth to me.
I sell my stuff to friends locally for dirt cheap or give it to them just so I don't have deal with the forums/eBay.
If you don't live in a big area of E30 enthusiasts, you will have to ship, which will be expensive for big items, refer to point #1.
But I like I said, I just can't stand to deal with all the lazy/broke/deadbeats that think a full of set of GC coilovers shouldn't be worth more than $400.
11/7/09 10:40 a.m.
I'm looking into a possible storage location. I agree that the parting out would be a PITA. But really if I want the engine/tranny and the parts to make it go $450 is a good deal...then haul the rest to a salvage yard I think I will still be ok. I would like to take a look at the seats. Thinking about a new set of seats for the Mini to replace my boy racer Corbeau fixed back racing seats - including the passenger side one that is too narrow for everyone who's ever sat there except my 12 year old son. If I had garage space I think I would do this ASAP. I'm not willing to move one of my cars out of the garage for a smashed parts donor and can't leave it in the yard - I guess I live in the wrong neighborhood.
In reply to TJ:
You know you gotta get it! The M42 is a fine little motor. My wife used to have a late E30 vert with one. GRM put a supercharger on one that had over 200k with no nasty results. Put the sport seats in the '02! It may even have an LSD you can use if it didn't get busted in the wreck. Do it!
11/7/09 3:23 p.m.
I doubt the seats will fit your Mini. The car is really just too narrow for a lot of standard car seats. Plus, BMW seats are incredibly heavy. I put Suzuki Swift seats in mine, and they just fit.
11/7/09 4:49 p.m.
Heavy's not good. I've seen a pair of DSM seats in a mini - they looked pretty good, but nearly touch in the center of the car. As far as interior width the mini is just about the same from door panel to door panel as a miata. Still thinking of jumping off this cliff. Those seats would have to fit in a 2002, besides it's the fuel injected DOHC engine and 5 speed I want to put in place of my carbed SOHC 4 speed that is my real prize.
BMW manual sport seats aren't all that heavy, which is what should be in a 318is I believe. On the other hand their power seats are pretty heavy. They should go into the '02 with minimal problems.
11/7/09 8:31 p.m.
stuart in mn wrote:
They should go into the '02 with minimal problems.
E30 seats are not that easy a swap -- and definitely not a bolt in affair like 320i seats and certain Honda/Acura seats.
I have both a 91 318is and a 76 2002 with an m20 from a 325i/s. Although I like the m42 a lot, I'd lean toward the m20 if I was going to the trouble of an engine swap. It also seems like many people start m42 into 2002 swaps, but very few finish. ...
Depending on where you are, I might be interested in whatever is left of the rear suspension
11/8/09 7:27 a.m.
I'm in Alabama. If I buy this car it won't be till next weekend at the earliest - who knows it might be sold or parted out before then.
There is a chance that I will be relocating soon and depending on what I find out next week about that situation my plans may entirely change.
cl link
Here is a really funny CL link for a 318is in Denver. Has nothing to do with the wrecked one I want to buy, but the ad itself is funny.