Well, in typical fashion, I got the ball rolling and it's advancing a bit quicker than I thought. I'm trying to get the Exocet registered in TN and need to have working blinkers. I've gutted the wiring harness (very early on) for simplicity sake - with the assumption I could put together a very simple "plugable" lighting harness with it's own fuses, etc.
Is there an easy way to get a blinker circuit setup? Headlights and brake lights I have solutions for, I have imagined 10 ways to making a blinker circuit, but I'm hoping there's a cheap off the shelf version that my limited googling missed?
Here's some wiring harness carnage for fun, 15+ pounds of wiring and components came out.

Buy a blinker module at your local auto parts store?
I would search for motorcycle/ATV/UTV signal kits- it's a common need on those. A UTV kit like this one would be cheap and probably has what you need, there are lots available although most are very low grade stuff.
Dr. Hess said:
Buy a blinker module at your local auto parts store?
I'll take it I'm being an electrical dumba** by how you phrased your answer - can I just wire a blinker module straight into 12 volts on a switch? I suppose I could just junkyard dive if it's that easy.
In reply to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :
Ah! That's more of what I was thinking of! Fail on my googling, I was barking up the wrong tree (as I assumed).
A barebones system consists of a flasher module, a 3-position switch, and indicator bulbs for each side. +12V power goes into the flasher, then the 3-position switch, which can send it to left-side lights, nowhere (off), or right-side lights. Each side-set of lights is grounded.
Edit: If you need hazards, have a DPST switch (like 2 switches mechanically tied together) to bypass the 3-position switch and send power to both sides at once.
Edit2: Looks like the UTV kit comes with most of that stuff...
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:
<...> although most are very low grade stuff.
I just wanted to get through the inspection - and then I can change it if I actually drive on the road much. Registering is kinda a "just because" type thing.
You asked for a circuit, not blinkers. For the circuit, the 5 dollar flasher is what you need. Then it's just wires, bulbs, housings and a switch. An all in one kit is the easy way.
and if anyone is curious how a flasher or blinker works, it is a simple bi-metalic strip (like a thermostat) so as it heats up it changes shape. When cool, the bi-metalic strip connects both electrical connectors. When you turn the circuit on, electicity starts flowing and heats up the strip, causing it to change shape and disconnect the circuit. When the electricity stops flowing, it cools off, returning to its original shape, reconnecting the circuit and starting over again.
In reply to Dr. Hess :
Yep - I appreciate the input. I like those "here's all the things" kits though for slapping it together. The deciding factor on which route I go (all in one or put together) will be how much time I have before the inspection.
What about a "universal hotrod turn signal kit" from Amazon or the like? It comes with the switch assembly, flasher relay and wiring. It's super simple to wire in. We used one on my dad's RZR so he could register it to be street legal.

If you get one of these you can wire the brake light switch to it as well and when it is off the brake lights will both light up but when you switch to one side that side brake light will flash as a turn and the other side will be a brake. Bonus for also having hazards and attaching to the column with a hose clamp.
Edit: same thing as above, $17 right tool for the job.