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alfadriver UltimaDork
4/2/15 8:13 a.m.

In reply to etifosi:

You mention that Ferrari is always there, but do realize that it helps that they, and only they, have been getting a $100M bonus from the FIA for a long time now. They are as mortal as anyone else is, but some of us don't like the idea that they get some kind of elevation over the rest of the field.

Funny- the way you put the situation of Ferrari makes me dislike them more.

Adrian_Thompson UltimaDork
4/2/15 9:38 a.m.
etifosi wrote: In reply to: Yo Adrian! & Alpha Romero The best way for me to explain it would be to hold out my arm, point to a vein for dramatic effect, and say "My first word was "CAR" and I have Ford Blue blood running through these veins but I bleed Ferrari red. Yet somehow I got infected with British tinworm."

That is beautifully put, and you can rest assured in the knowledge that your opinion is correct and mine is wrong, while I rest happy in the knowledge that I am right and you are smoking crack in a flop house. That’s the great thinking about the internet, we all know we are right.

I guess I grew up with an innate anti Ferrari bias from my father. There have been times when I supported Ferrari. First of all I loved the Jody Scheckter’s 79 312 T4, although I loved Alan Jones in the FW07 more . Then you have to wait until 1989 When Il Leone joined Ferrari and drove the stunningly beautiful 640 with the first semi-automatic box. After he left I went back to my natural state of hating them, especially through the Schumi years and only now find a soft spot for them again with Kimi and Seb driving. This is tempered by the completely unjustified extra pay out from the FIA just for being Ferrari though. Honorable mention needs to go to the still born 85/86ish 637 Indy car, which I would love to have seen. The engine was totally outclassed when it finally made its debut with Alfa badges on in 89. If you want me to really start supporting Ferrari persuade them to come back to Indy cars and build a real Indy engine. I promise I’ll buy a T shirt if they do 

You grew up bleeding red, I grew up bleeding Ford Blue and Jaguar Green. I was probably 10 or 11 before I realized that Ford was an American company, not British as Ford is such a part of British motoring and motorsport heritage. Seeing Ford Cosworths in F1, Sierra’s in BTCC, Escorts – RS200 – Sierra’s – Escort Cosworths in Rally sealed my support. Watching Jag take on Porsche at LeMAns, build the challenge then beat them was a proud proud moment.

OK, back on topic. China is not going to be anywhere near as hot as Malaysia was. Mercedes have always gone well there. Wasn’t it China where Nico finally got Merc’s first win of the modern era three years ago? I predict it will be back to business as usual with Merc dominating in a Hammy, Nico 1-2. I then see Ferrari as having the legs on Williams, who in turn have it over Red Cow etc.

My early predictions for Sunday are:

Nico takes himself out doing a desperate dive-bomb on Hammy

etifosi HalfDork
4/2/15 10:02 a.m.

In reply to alfadriver:

When you watch a race, what color is the crowd? It doesn't matter if they are in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas or Australia; the crowd is mostly RED. Do you think anyone will cry when Mercedes accomplishes their current marketing goal in F1 and quits? When McDennis Project Four partners with ELIO instead of the long, monogamous relationship with Cosworth/TAG Porsche/Honda/Ford/Chryslerghini/Peugot/Ilmorcedes/Honda, will anyone be shocked?

I am knowledgeable enough to know that Bernie values the stables presence enough to give them headliner paychecks. My favorite time was when he gave McDennis' 100M to Ferrari.

Besides, we all know that FIATrrari bought Chrysler so they could say the formula 1 car has a "hemi" in it.

I'm pretty sure that you disliked the Scuderia before I typed & will continue to do so for a long, long time. That's okay by me, I probably love them enough for the both of us, but at least you feel "the passion".

etifosi HalfDork
4/2/15 10:21 a.m.

In reply to Adrian_Thompson:

I can understand Brit's 'ating on Ferrari, but recognize that they honed that hatred in damp thatched huts, scraping together scrap wood and biscuit tins into weapons of speed that eventually became their only viable economic export. See, they felt "the passion".

Even my beloved Ford of the Big Two (who didn't take the dirty money) felt "the passion". Didn't "Total Performance" arise due to the Duece's feeling butthurt over the price of the desk Enzo was trying to romance him into bending over with his pants down?

By the way, I wonder how much that desk is worth today? It's not a desk as much as an altar and a monument to the beautiful art of turning money into smoke and noise.

It's not like Bernie was going to give that money to Manor or HRT or anyone. He's paying that money because he knows they are worth it.

I'd love to hear the Ferrari Can Am car or witness an F40 used as a group B rally car!!!!!

oldeskewltoy SuperDork
4/2/15 11:22 a.m.

My Ferrari hate goes back to sibling rivalry... my oldest brother is a Ferrari and BMW fan... he likes to argue... it really doesn't matter which side of the argument....

As to the Enzo personality... its easy to find a similar one... Larry Flint

etifosi HalfDork
4/2/15 11:24 a.m.
oldeskewltoy wrote: My Ferrari hate goes back to sibling rivalry... my oldest brother is a Ferrari and BMW fan... he likes to argue... it really doesn't matter which side of the argument.... As to the Enzo personality... its easy to find a similar one... Larry Flint

I can see a comparison between Enzo and a Pornographer!

Adrian_Thompson UltimaDork
4/2/15 11:32 a.m.
etifosi wrote: In reply to Adrian_Thompson: I can understand Brit's 'ating on Ferrari, but recognize that they honed that hatred in damp thatched huts, scraping together scrap wood and biscuit tins into weapons of speed that eventually became their only viable economic export. See, they felt "the passion". Even my beloved Ford of the Big Two (who didn't take the dirty money) felt "the passion". Didn't "Total Performance" arise due to the Duece's feeling butthurt over the price of the desk Enzo was trying to romance him into bending over with his pants down? By the way, I wonder how much that desk is worth today? It's not a desk as much as an altar and a monument to the beautiful art of turning money into smoke and noise. It's not like Bernie was going to give that money to Manor or HRT or anyone. He's paying that money because he knows they are worth it. I'd love to hear the Ferrari Can Am car or witness an F40 used as a group B rally car!!!!!

But we used out biscuit tins to beat the red commies from the boot

The 288GTO was built as a Group B car but never rallied, but there was the Group 4 308GT. Stunning car

Let's not forget that most of Ferrari's F1 success came with an Englishman at the helm of the team Even if the pilot was a cheating German

Adrian_Thompson UltimaDork
4/2/15 11:34 a.m.

In reply to etifosi:

etifosi, do you ever come to Michigan? I think w'd have a great time arguing in a pub over racing. If you make it this way beer is on me.

etifosi HalfDork
4/2/15 11:41 a.m.

In reply to Adrian_Thompson:

It's been a few decades since I've been through Michigan. I keep telling wife I need to visit Detroit to see the Rivera mural & spectate the Belle Isle Indy race,

but don't keep one on ice for me as it may be awhile....

If you are ever on 81 in Scranton PA.......we can drink lots of beer and bench race through history. As long as I don't drink Tequila I will not be aggressive.

wbjones MegaDork
4/2/15 11:45 a.m.

my Ferrari love affair started when BRM left the game … had a poster of the H16 exhaust bundle of snakes on my wall as a kid

etifosi HalfDork
4/2/15 11:56 a.m.

wbjones wrote: my Ferrari love affair started when BRM left the game … had a poster of the H16 exhaust bundle of snakes on my wall as a kid

Howza bout this from a 312?

Adrian_Thompson UltimaDork
4/2/15 12:00 p.m.

In reply to etifosi:

Don't forget the Mecca of car events the Woodward dream cruise.

I'm bringing the tequila

etifosi HalfDork
4/2/15 12:26 p.m.

In reply to Adrian_Thompson:

I should compile a list of the top things to do in Detroit, I mean besides drinking your beer that is.

You might want to reconsider being the party responsible for my consumption of tequila. I'm pretty sure you'll have to sign a waiver & I KNOW I won't get my deposit back.

And Oh for the sweet love of Neuman!!!!! I just realized your state pays $.10 on beer cans, I can finance this trip by drinking beer! I just discovered that I DO have a vacation club fund!!!

So, do they do the $.10 per can thing so they can secure a sufficient supply of beer cans for the populace to rivet over the rust-holes in their cars?

*edit: Since this is supposed to be about F1

Next race those wacky Mercedes boys will be back on top after they realize their race strategy calls shouldn't be decided by calling Hitler's psychic on a 1-900 number and that they should perhaps NOT use FP2 as a test session for 2016's front aero package.

Adrian_Thompson UltimaDork
4/2/15 2:55 p.m.
etifosi wrote: So, do they do the $.10 per can thing so they can secure a sufficient supply of beer cans for the populace to rivet over the rust-holes in their cars?

Ouch, the truth hurts.

etifosi wrote: Next race those wacky Mercedes boys will be back on top after they realize their race strategy calls shouldn't be decided by calling Hitler's psychic on a 1-900 number and that they should perhaps NOT use FP2 as a test session for 2016's front aero package.

I thought Max Mosely had a direct free line to Hitler

oldeskewltoy SuperDork
4/2/15 5:15 p.m.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
etifosi wrote: So, do they do the $.10 per can thing so they can secure a sufficient supply of beer cans for the populace to rivet over the rust-holes in their cars?
Ouch, the truth hurts.
etifosi wrote: Next race those wacky Mercedes boys will be back on top after they realize their race strategy calls shouldn't be decided by calling Hitler's psychic on a 1-900 number and that they should perhaps NOT use FP2 as a test session for 2016's front aero package.
I thought Max Mosely had a direct free line to Hitler

I thought all those photos were to be expunged from the internets......

etifosi - where near Scranton??? Wife and I lived a bit south(30 min), near Blakeslee Pa.

alfadriver UltimaDork
4/2/15 6:10 p.m.

In reply to etifosi:

You should go to a race. Like I mentioned before, we were at the race at Monza when Alonso last won a race for Ferrari.

Where they cheered when Hamilton was crashed out of the race.

You'd fit right in.

etifosi HalfDork
4/2/15 6:38 p.m.

In reply to oldeskewltoy:

I am minutes away from the two towering landfills. Ha ha, that could be any place in this whole berking "valley".

If you were on 81S and looked to your right after the Montage exit..... there I'd be, one of the many lucky people living Lackawanna Wonderful.

Adrian: Wows! Impressed! Also trying to unsee. I know it can be done as I have been able to unsee the infamous Flav in thong shot. I think you have to look at a solar eclipse, watch someone weld, or see photos of Sarah Jessica Parker a lot in order to unsee.

Advan046 SuperDork
4/3/15 10:25 a.m.

In reply to etifosi:

Be careful how you praise the mob,

Mob law is the most forcible expression of an abnormal public opinion; it shows that society is rotten to the core..

The creator of Ferrari wasn't a nice man and that is nothing to praise in my book. Just like I don't praise Ford for having his own cruel actions to build his empire. Nor do I respect MB for sucking all the money out of Chrysler before selling them to vampires called Cerebus. I can recognize what they achieved but never forget how they got there.

I don't hate on anyone at Ferrari today, except Vettel but I never liked him, but I do find the unquestioning FANDOM to be a bit disconcerting. The last thing I want to hear about next is an F1 crowd going the way of the Futbol maddness where mobs harm people. I will praise the fan's of Ferrari for bringing a constant tone of happy fun to the F1 races I have been too where I run across them. I hope it always stays that way. Like you. A happy fan. Not a mob member.

Regarding Ferrari cars, I have never felt anything for or against them. Even after driving one. Just not for me. I hope MB and Ferrari and maybe Renault would just commit to F1 forever!

etifosi HalfDork
4/3/15 11:50 a.m.

In reply to Advan046:

I'm not sure how one interprets my ramblings as endorsement of the mob...

My reference to "the crowd" just meant that at every F1 race I've ever seen (even Silverstone), it appears like a someone took a red Sharpie and randomly colored every third person's hat or shirt in. And that's why Scrooge McBernie has to reach his short arms into his deep pockets to pay the excruciating Scuderia Tax - because "the passion" of Ferrari, the tifosi-ism, drives the afflicted to submit their even larger piles of moneys to Darth Ecclestone, for the privilege to see and smell the big show.

I am the LAST person to defend mob rule or to like something because everyone else does. I'm a Cleveland Browns fan for crying out loud! No, really, being a Browns fan is only good for crying out loud.

All Enzo Ferrari desired was......(Read using Chris Economaki's voice)........TO RACE!

Yeah, okay he wanted to have some noodles and wine and to berk, too. But that was only to fuel the furnace, his fire was to race. Don't read this last part as Chris, he was too classy....

Anyway, was Enzo really such a devil? Was he more or less of a prick who obviously made morally-questionable decisions as a human in his personal life and difficult decisions on men's destinies than say, Frank Williams? Whether you love/hate/DGAF about Ferrari, you have to recognize that "the passion" has driven the sport. And I feel the passion, okay?

Henry Ford was a great man, another Titan. Please understand that unlike my wife, humans are flawed beings. But his personal views are something for another body to judge and the fact that Ford are F1 quitters, relegates them/him from this current conversation.

I'll not use the term "respect" about MB as I don't approve of some of the labor and business-building practices they were into before my Grandfather and his brothers & buddies took some time off their scheduled lives to enforce a cease and desist order upon them. Besides, who can picture Gottlieb or Karl, who can say that their souls are contained in the cars bearing their names? There's more too, but I don't think anyone wants to read a "why etifosi hates MB" thread.

I hope you aren't disconcerted by MY FANDOM, it just ends up being really easy to write in that tone when discussing something you love. I don't go crazy over modern Ferrari road-cars either, I just love F1 Ferrari and the ghosts that carry it's spirit to this very day.

Your last comment really underscores my point, the others haven't got the same commitment & never will, they lack "the passion".

I don't think we need to worry about riots at races, most race fans can be adversarial at times but seem to recognize that the clock is their common enemy.

codrus GRM+ Memberand Dork
4/3/15 12:46 p.m.
Adrian_Thompson wrote: Let's not forget that most of Ferrari's F1 success came with an Englishman at the helm of the team

An English Technical Director, yes, but I'm pretty sure Jean Todt is French... :)

Advan046 SuperDork
4/3/15 2:14 p.m.

In reply to etifosi:

Do they lack "the passion" or lack "the FIA guaranteed payout"?

That is the point if you know you are guaranteed to get money for playing the game, makes it easy to commit.

It is just sport so enjoy how you like! I am far from a super fan of any team. Just enjoy the sport. If you love Ferrari then Awesome! I just get a little uneasy when we go down the path of, big fan base equals give them money to continue making big fan base while not giving props to those that have fan base and no extra money to grow it.

Enjoy flying the prancing horse. Great race by Ferrari and all.

etifosi HalfDork
4/3/15 3:06 p.m.

In reply to Advan046:

Passion, balls, money: These are the 3 things one must possess in order to survive in F1. You must maintain sufficiently monstrous levels of all 3 at all times.

I went to the "Monsters of Rock" Tour as a teen, wanting to see Eddie Van Halen play guitar brought me into the gate. Should Dokken have gotten the same Cheddar? (I soon realized that Metallica should have made the most based on how awesome they were that day.)

Remember again that the guy who sold F1 2X that I know of, and still somehow controls it, would not give them a cent let alone extra $ if they didn't demand and command it. Ferrari just happens to Command it by being the headliner.

Think of the Exorbitant Tifosi Tax as a perfect attendance award for being there pre-Bernie.

I too would like to see a more just distribution of assets in Formula One to ensure sustainability and the happiness of everyone in our whole society in general. But as it remains, I can merely sit back and watch. At least F1 I want to watch and pay attention to as it doesn't make me furious (usually) as compared to our whole society in general.

It appears as if the F-Troop will lose fans merely by my support.*see alfadriver & Adrian's previous reactions + Browns fan + go ELIO!

Advan046 SuperDork
4/4/15 10:43 a.m.

I think Ferrari may just be in the chance for a win in China. MB seems to be caught on the back foot or are playing with the media and know exactly why they lost in Malaysia and already have the fix. I think it is more the former. I am hoping for Williams to get themselves into the mix so we can have a three team battle this year.

The crazy odds bet will always be McLaren Honda if they switch on at some point seems like they would be up front.

etifosi HalfDork
4/4/15 9:49 p.m.

In reply to alfadriver:

If I wasn't drunk I'd be offended by the inference that I would cheer for crashes. Whatever kind of shiny happy person you think I am, I'm not THAT kind of shiny happy person.

Went to 2006 Montreal GP, incredible weekend/city/venue, I'd go again even though JPM fans out-numbered the tifosi!

Ferraris not fast in Q, Schumie did his thing (don't edit to say he cheated) and turned draggy donkey into prancing stallion, bringing 5th fastest car to 2nd.

2.4 V8's were plenty loud in the stands with earplugs, Friday pit-walk BMW/Williams lit one up and it staggered the brain. The 10's must have been brute-iful to experience. TV didn't do F1's sound any justice.

Witnessing F1 Ferrari victory at the Autodromo di Enzo e Dino Ferrari......that's like sharing wine & fish with Jesus at the Vatican, if you are faithful like me.

Not sure about the Church part....just the Holy Stable.

Adrian_Thompson UltimaDork
4/6/15 7:14 a.m.
etifosi wrote: In reply to Advan046: Passion, balls, money: These are the 3 things one must possess in order to survive in F1. You must maintain sufficiently monstrous levels of all 3 at all times. I went to the "Monsters of Rock" Tour as a teen, wanting to see Eddie Van Halen play guitar brought me into the gate. Should Dokken have gotten the same Cheddar? (I soon realized that Metallica should have made the most based on how awesome they were that day.) Remember again that the guy who sold F1 2X that I know of, and still somehow controls it, would not give them a cent let alone extra $ if they didn't demand and command it. Ferrari just happens to Command it by being the headliner. Think of the Exorbitant Tifosi Tax as a perfect attendance award for being there pre-Bernie. I too would like to see a more just distribution of assets in Formula One to ensure sustainability and the happiness of everyone in our whole society in general. But as it remains, I can merely sit back and watch. At least F1 I want to watch and pay attention to as it doesn't make me furious (usually) as compared to our whole society in general. It appears as if the F-Troop will lose fans merely by my support.*see alfadriver & Adrian's previous reactions + Browns fan + go ELIO!

Great analogy. I love it. For the next year they should have told Eddie and Metallica they only get 25% of the prior year’s contract and take it or leave it. Then brought in 3 or 4 other smaller bands and cut the price of the sanctioning fee in half so the promoter could actually make some money while still reducing ticket prices and upgrading the facilities and bringing back some classic venues. Then watch the fans flock to an even better show in larger numbers and get more eyes on the TV too.

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