So after the fiascos of October, this car has actually been quite good. It's fun to drive, gets 25MPG even though I drive everywhere at 5,000 RPM's, and it's comfy with the hardtop on. Anyways, there's still a few issues:
Oil consumption. This pig eats a quart every 800 miles!
It's got 10W30 dino oil in it now. No consumption issues until I ran Royal Purple in it once. It's only had 1 oil change after that 10 mile fiasco. Anything I can do?
B. Freezing Oil - It's starting to get cold. Below freezing stuff. Any changes here? 5W30?
III. 3rd Brake light. Stupid thing has never worked. Considering how many F450's try to kill me every day, I would like to fix that. I already replaced the bulb and re-spliced the wires where they broke on the truck hinge. Ideas?
- Engine racket. Probably related to 1. Sounds like 3 bolts and a rock being shooken in a coffee can. Runs sweet though! Keep ignoring it? (Mostly cold, but it never "shuts up" when hot. I've had mechanical cam V8's make less noise than this).
3rd brake light: I've found that the wire likes to break not only at the hinge, but further up and/or downstream. Get out the multimeter, and start probing until you find 12+V. Then, splice from there. Heck, I've spliced, checked for operation, driven to the inspection station, and had another break in the 2 miles between. Frustrating to say the least.
I do go to 5W30 in the winter.
Not sure on the other two questions, without hearing the car myself. Any idea where a quart is going in that 800 miles? CAS, valve cover gasket, rear main seal???
Out the exhaust for sure. It smokes on start up and while driving cold and/or hard. 
Engine is clean as a button, no drips in driveway. I changed the CAS and o-ring, vc gasket, and all of the gaskets and seals on the nose of the motor when I did the timing belt.
Mine made a terrible engine racked that sounds similar to what your describing. I did some searching and found a lot of missing bolts on the heat-shield over the exhaust manifold. Replacing them nearly eliminated the noise (I can still get it to rattle a touch at certain RPM's).
Never even thought that the racket could possibly be outside the motor!
Thanks Cap'n!
11/19/10 8:39 a.m.
The rattling is most likely your exhaust shield. Clamp it, or remove it like some people do.
Welp, the shield is a rattling, but it's not all. Poor engine sounds like the gaps can be measured with a yardstick, but it runs so well! Meh, it's a 1.6. I'll run it until assplodes and then buy a lower mileage JY one for $200.
I do have to say that now that it's raining and freezing out, the open diff flipping SUCKS!!!