8/17/10 9:22 p.m.
NICE SCORE! I almost got an X, ended up with a 124 instead, but you can't knock a small mid-rear Italian, only other ones I now are Ferraris 
Nice one. I love the idea of Fiat X1/9s - almost bought two but never actually done it.
Neat find. I found a killer deal on an X1/9 soon after graduating from school, but at the time there was no way I could handle a second car.
I'm digging the fairmont next to it...
8/17/10 11:01 p.m.
Nice score - see x 1/9s in boxflare thread and doo eet
8/18/10 7:28 a.m.
I. Hate. You.
Seriously nice score. How much? I've given up on finding one locally here where they have all returned to the earth.
LSX manifold on the floor in the first pic? Hints of whats to come?
EDIT- nevamind - i can haz counting skillz?
That is sweet. I have wanted one of those for a long time.
Woooo buddy! Thats a clean X1/9! Congrats!
Congrats! I miss my X1/9.
Awesome find!
Head on over to the XWebforums and introduce yourself and learn all about how to improve the electrical system and how to properly get the air bubbles out of the coolant system.
I do have a spare 1500cc EFI engine that I'd love to get rid of, but the shipping would be a pain from here to there.
Matt B
8/18/10 2:52 p.m.
Sweet 2-tone. After falling in love with the AW11 I've had a hankering to try one of those out.
As if I haven't had to fight enough rust already . . . 
That looks like it's in amazing shape. Good score!
Backward-rotating tachometer FTW!
Nice car. And no rust. You're not only the happiest, but the luckiest guy, too.
So as it site what do you think its worh???