How about the LS400? Those are really cheap and prevalent these days, even in excellent condition; it's the most reliable car ever made; it's super safe; it's a fancy enough car to impress a teenager; and there's lots of junkyard parts available if needed. Maybe not super fun, but better than a camry and I'd expect reasonable MPGs from the 1UZ.
pres589 wrote:
In reply to Travis_K:
The idea of an E46 for $4k scares me, I can't imagine how badly screwed up one of these would have to be to sell for that much. Like a car that had an engine fire and the owner died in it or something. Maybe I'm wrong but I doubt it.
They arent much more than that, $4200-$5500 for a number of them that didnt look too bad when I just checked.
And the winner is:
Because yellow hatchback.
8/10/12 3:41 p.m.
Mazda 3 or Ford Focus if she is willing to slum it that low. Family went through half a dozen Proteges and never did us wrong. Honda Civic is a good choice but more money and more expensive to repair.
Any of the Volvo products that might have drifted into the price range. I would not want my daughter to have the wagon in her group just because it turns into the public bus for her friends. Never any doubt as to who is driving to the pub.
Maybe a Subaru if winter driving is in the picture.
Consider any of the S10 or non-extended pick-ups; they can have a certain cachet if she is the type to pull it off with her own flair. Since I am assuming this is a college car, this way she can move herself 203 times during her four years of college! Trust me, for some reason, girls move a lot more than guys while in school.
Keith wrote:
Have you asked her?
A fair point, but yes, I have. She hasn't really been helpful with input. I've cruised ads with her before and asked her thoughts on particular cars. She mostly says, "That looks nice. Yeah, that looks fine. Yeah, that's good too. I don't really care."
Which, you know, leaves the options open, but also makes for a somewhat aimless search.
But, I just found out, this is to be a surprise from her parents. So don't spill the beans. 

AE102(7AFE powered instead of 4AFE) Corolla 1994-1997. Find one as clean as you can... A nice set of 15" wheels, a set of 195/50/15 tires... and you get alot of car, good gas mileage, easy to find.. easy to maintain.... and there are some available with a manual trans(but that might be hard to track down)
A clean ten year old Volvo S40/V40 goes for around $4000 here in Texas and at any time there are several available.
Sounds like an appliance in good cosmetic condition is in order. Civic, Accord, Camry (perhaps beige?), Protoge type stuff.
Get her an older Saturn. They will run forever if you keep oil in the engine.
8/10/12 4:45 p.m.
Alan Cesar wrote:
Moderately good-looking. She goes to a private school and is image-conscious.
Sounds like she needs a reality check...Civic?
Nashco wrote:
Alan Cesar wrote:
Moderately good-looking. She goes to a private school and is image-conscious.
Sounds like she needs a reality check...Civic?
Dodge Neon for reality check!
"Used Lexus" is becoming my default answer to the "What car?" question for people who don't really care about cars, though I have also been quoted as saying that wives and daughters should drive Accords.
Alan Cesar wrote:
Keith wrote:
Have you asked her?
A fair point, but yes, I have. She hasn't really been helpful with input. I've cruised ads with her before and asked her thoughts on particular cars. She mostly says, "That looks nice. Yeah, that looks fine. Yeah, that's good too. I don't really care."
Which, you know, leaves the options open, but also makes for a somewhat aimless search.
But, I just found out, this is to be a surprise from her parents. So don't spill the beans.
Okay, I won't tell any private school girls what free surprise car they might get. That'll help satisfy the restraining order too.
Find out what her friends drive. Get one. Otherwise, the Lexus/Infiniti suggestions sound logical.
New Reader
8/10/12 5:54 p.m.
Nashco wrote:
Alan Cesar wrote:
Moderately good-looking. She goes to a private school and is image-conscious.
Sounds like she needs a reality check...Civic?
A reality check because she wants a car that's not a dented crap can full of rust holes?
8/10/12 6:04 p.m.
zoewhy wrote:
Nashco wrote:
Alan Cesar wrote:
Moderately good-looking. She goes to a private school and is image-conscious.
Sounds like she needs a reality check...Civic?
A reality check because she wants a car that's not a dented crap can full of rust holes?
Well maintained and moderately good looking are two different things. You can have a dented crap can full of rust holes that is still moderately good looking!
Well maintained:
Moderately good looking:

G20 or I30/I35....Still has the Infiniti nameplate for the image but are really just fancy nissans.
8/10/12 6:36 p.m.
If she doesn't care, than the obvious choices should be those on the 'best selling cars in America' list. That'd be:
Toyota Camry
Honda Accord
Nissan Altima
Ford Taurus
Toyota Corolla
Honda Civic
And many more. All good choices and can be made less-appliance like with little cash.
8/10/12 8:16 p.m.
Not a chance you'll find a non-E36 M3pile Mazda3 that's not double the budget.
Actually too rough for her but I really regret looking. A manual swapped SC400 for $3000 is a great deal. The swap kit - without transmission - is over a grand. I really want to go buy this and drive it home now. If I wasn't picking up another project on Monday I would be making some plans. Le sigh.