Adrian_Thompson PowerDork
12/1/14 8:42 a.m.

Did any one see this? Mark Webber has had (another) massive crash at the WEC event in Sao Paulo

Poor guy does not have a good track record. Remember the famouse Mercedes air born flips at LeMans? Or getting air born in F1? Well he's had another big one, but stayed on the ground this time. He was kept in hospital overnight with bruising and concussion, but was released the next day. I wonder how he will fair in the future, with all we are learning from boxing, NFL etc about the long term effects of severe concussion, this guy has had a lot of big hits over the years.

Was never a fan of his in F1, but I like him in sports cars for some reason.

Rusted_Busted_Spit GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
12/1/14 9:22 a.m.

I was watching the race when that happened. It sure looked scary but then the cars are supposed to come apart like that. He needs to stay away from that track.

jstein77 SuperDork
12/1/14 9:48 a.m.

It said "escaped with minor injuries" on the video. I hope that is true.

yamaha UltimaDork
12/1/14 9:54 a.m.
Rusted_Busted_Spit wrote: He needs to stay away from that track.

Nah, they just need to ban those assault ferraris. They've caused more chaos than anything over the last 5 years.

captdownshift GRM+ Memberand Dork
12/1/14 9:56 a.m.

your comments regarding concussions couldn't be more true. He'll have plenty of opportunity within the sport, both in and out of the driver's seat. Best wishes to him for a full and complete recovery. SWMBO says that having him do F1 commentary, with a picture in picture screen always showing him on camera along side the on course action, could introduce a strong female fanbase and save F1.

DanielCut New Reader
12/1/14 10:00 a.m.

Saw that he'd stated he has no recollection of the accident.

Tom_Spangler GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
12/1/14 10:15 a.m.
DanielCut wrote: Saw that he'd stated he has no recollection of the accident.

That's probably not good. IIRC, Troy Aikman has no recollection of an entire playoff game that he played in (and won). Head injuries are nothing to mess around with.

Rusted_Busted_Spit GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
12/1/14 1:13 p.m.
yamaha wrote:
Rusted_Busted_Spit wrote: He needs to stay away from that track.
Nah, they just need to ban those assault ferraris. They've caused more chaos than anything over the last 5 years.

Radiolemans was saying something about suspected equipment failure, has anyone heard one way or the other?

turboswede GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
12/1/14 1:16 p.m.
Rusted_Busted_Spit wrote:
yamaha wrote:
Rusted_Busted_Spit wrote: He needs to stay away from that track.
Nah, they just need to ban those assault ferraris. They've caused more chaos than anything over the last 5 years.
Radiolemans was saying something about suspected equipment failure, has anyone heard one way or the other?

Equipment as in the organic flailing module installed in the middle of the car.

oldsaw UltimaDork
12/1/14 1:27 p.m.

Adrian's video link was edited and failed to show any footage prior to impacting the wall. Here's a video with a little more:

Note that the car was already backwards before hitting the barrier and that the left rear appears to have suffered some sort of catastrophic failure with the tire or suspension. It doesn't look like driver error (to me) unless Webber came upon the Ferrari at a faster rate than expected.

Wasn't Brazil the final WEC race of 2014? If so, Webber has a few months to fully and properly recuperate before getting back in a car.

jsquared Reader
12/1/14 4:36 p.m.

A prototype having to deal with a slow-moving "gentleman"-driven Ferrari has been a problem in the last few years (especially when said gentleman moves in an unusual way while the prototype is closing down).

I hope he recovers well and his medical team is as serious about concussions as they ought to be. We have lagged behind in the US about frank discussions of them, but Europe is far worse. Case in point: the World Cup this year (I know it was in Brazil but FIFA is HQ'ed in Europe and mostly run by Europeans).

stroker SuperDork
12/1/14 7:57 p.m.

Boy, they just about needed a dustpan to clean that mess up.

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