Not mine, no connection. Ugly, rough as a cob, but ... 

Check it out!! RATROD - $1800 (Lubbock)
looks like something to be driven by those guys who do mad max costumes at burning man
talk him down on the price, add a cage, go to LeMons. They'll welcome that thing
LT1 maybe, with a carb added- no LS1, I'm afraid.
He cleverly disguised the LS1 engine as a regular old small block Chevy.
11/12/11 9:34 p.m.
Dude, that belongs in an Elvis Presley movie!
Looks like a crappy plastic toy car that was put in the microwave.
I'd drive it.
I... know exactly how this sounds. But... I kinda love it. It's from another planet. That makes my '84 Celica look downright common.
11/13/11 3:43 a.m.
That's really, really bad
Looks like a Daytona coupe accidentally merged with a dump truck during a teleportation experiment gone awry.

So what was it? Steel body, so it's probably not hand-formed???
11/13/11 8:07 a.m.
Looks like a Jaguar front clip to me.
That's seriously hideous, enough so that I love every second of it. Needs a shirtless Mad Max extra at the wheel (I'm just fat and pasty enough to try). Digging what looks like 70s Jag nose and Shelby Daytona Coupe rear.
Looks like someone dreamed up something truely awesome, then got reeeeally high and sourced all parts from junkyard and tractor supply store, flux welding it all together thru half of one bloodshot eye.
i really like the rear 3/4 shot. the proportions look a lot like a cheetah. not a big fan of the application of the split window or the nose. needs a sleeker nose and less bulky glass.