In my ongoing effort to simplify, I have listed something on eBay, that most of you have probably never even heard of.
I stopped at a wooden boat show a few years ago to visit a customer (and because I love wooden boats) and fell in love with this silly thing and picked it up. I couldn't resist the fact that it lived its whole life in Watkins Glen, NY.
I have decided that I don't have time for it, and while it is still perfect, I should let it go to someone who has more time for it.
Check this link out:
WOW!!! I put in the first bid. It won't win but I hope it gets you going.
You should visit me here on the Northshore of NOLA in October. The Madisonville Wooden Boat Festival takes place and has some amazing boats.
I do remember this boat being mentioned once years back.
If you ever do get bit by the bug of wooden boats, I have a close friend who is down your way and a damn good wooden boat guy. He is the only guy at Whaler who knows how or could build a wooden boat. The best part is he is still in his 20's. I had him with me at The Challenge. Had I known I would have made the introduction for you.
He and I co-owned this project at one point.
He left for FL before it could be finished and I did not have the skill was sold.
He had a 17" Lyman (wooden runabout) for a while last year in FL. His Whaler buddies could never understand.
As I said, he was at The Challenge this year; his first time. Just this past week he told me that The Challenge has inspired him to again build a boat of his own design; wood.
Great boat! I've had a thing for those Evinrude/Johnson boats since they first came out.
Thanks guys. Someday I will have a wooden boat. This was as close as I was willing to get. Oddly enough, despite my fears to the contrary, it was totally reliable and always started and ran well, despite being left for months at a time in the garage.
I have no idea what it is worth, but I picked it up cheap and only had to spend $500-600 on it when I found it a few years back.
Why are you scared of a wooden boat? What is your house made out of? Statistically speaking I am willing to be they spend about the same amount of time in wet conditions.
Here is a solution for you 

From the Boat Show

and if you want to stay for an exteneded vacation you can build your own. 
That boat is a perfect match to the Manx, Tim.
12/29/13 1:49 p.m.
You can put me solidly in the "If I had extra space" category... That is one seriously cool boat and I wish you good luck with the sale! 
That is a great example of a well constructed ad; I imagine that you listened well to the advice from our friends at eBay! 
Also, I really love the simple, unobtrusive but absolutely adorable name on the side... 
We named the boat after my daughter. Probably should have pulled that off, but didn't have the heart to. Keith, I don't have a hitch for the Manx, but am building one for the Edsel.
And yes, I listened to the guys at eBay on how to write an ad and this one seems to be working as well.
Last day, where (how high) will it go? I predict just over $4k.
$3,275 with 5.5 hrs to go.
Cool boat.
$3350 with 90 min left......