conesare2seconds wrote:
Nothing, NOTHING on TV is creepier than the Pos-T-Vac commercials (no, not even American Horror Story, which, obviously, rocks). I'll spare you the details and just say the leering old coots totally give me the willies. Google it if you will, but remember that some things, once seen, can't be unseen.
Hey you are starting to hit pretty close to home there buddy.
GameboyRMH wrote:
miataman86 wrote:
especially when the CG retard is kicking a soccer ball...for what? To appeal to soccer moms?
Could be a commercial aimed at South America. Literally every, single, commercial there has to do with football. These are all real examples:
Ad for mosquito repellent: Mosquitoes will interrupt your child from dreaming about playing soccer!
Ad for chocolate milk: Will make kids good at soccer!
Ad for DVR: Lets you pause the game so you don't miss any soccer!
Ad for laundry soap: Gets rid of those grass stains from playing soccer.
Ad for car: Car transforms into a mech which plays soccer.
Ad for berkeleying toothbrush: berkeleying toothbrush plays berkeleying soccer with it's berkeleying bristles.
I swear the only South American ad I can think of that didn't have to do with soccer was for some Jeep dealership.
But herein lies the thing....this is NORTH America. There is even a commercial for the General that shows him playing football which has NOTHING to do with car insurance. It's just so stupid to me how they do those commercials.
I heard Hogan this morning on the radio hawking ageless male.
The first few times he said it I thought he was saying angel snail.
I had a confuse...
4cylndrfury wrote:
well, while you goons are watching those, I will be watching the playtex commercials...
"A bag of apples, for me?? [brays]"
conesare2seconds wrote:
Nothing, NOTHING on TV is creepier than the Pos-T-Vac commercials (no, not even American Horror Story, which, obviously, rocks). I'll spare you the details and just say the leering old coots totally give me the willies. Google it if you will, but remember that some things, once seen, can't be unseen.
Uh, then you haven't seen the 'confidence coming out' ads. I swear my daughter's eyes got HUGE and she started backing out of the room when she saw the guy.

Yeah the Cars dot Com spots are creepy. I never thought of how a young child might be affected by seeing them, though. Maybe you need to contact one of those lawyers that are advertising all over the TV...
The ads I really draw a blank over are the Texas car dealership ads that run all morning on Saturdays. I know it's something cultural, like the South American ads centered around soccer.
But TV ads for a car dealership that feature bikini-clad girls and cartoon character costumed persons dancing around in the background of the ad spokes persons is kinda odd to my frame of reference.
We have those cheesy stealership commercials in New England too, but we don't even get the bikini girls or mascots. Instead they look like they were made on 80's A/V equipment and feature sleazy Honest John-types who LEARNED THEIR CRAFT FROM THE BILLY MAYS SCHOOL OF ADVERTISING EXCELLENCE!
I saw another General commercial earlier today. What the Berkeley does hang gliding have to do with auto insurance?! I believe another one featured the General skateboarding. Really?........ again, NOTHING to really do car insurance. I can see them trying to appeal to people's interest but if you are really trying to appeal to people in an auto insurance commercial, make it about berkeleying auto insurance!
Maybe it's a battle of cartoon characters and the General has won. I haven't seen Erin from E-surance around for a while.
Of course, if you buy your insurance based on who's got the best cartoon advertisements you obviously deserve what you get when you need to file a claim.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
I don't know about anyone else, but I am REALLY done with the Taxmaster commercials. IIRC the Neckbeard got in tax trouble too.
I'm stealing that name to give to angry customers.
vern2point3 wrote:
Maybe it's a battle of cartoon characters and the General has won. I haven't seen Erin from E-surance around for a while.
Erin was retired because Rule 34 struck her with a vengeance. Kind of hard to sell insurance when you get an eyeful when you run a Google Image Search for Esurance.
The doctor on the Ageless Male commercial appears to have had a few face lifts. His skin is so tight he looks like a snare drum.