First question: can anyone explain what factors go into making some vehicles communicate low tire pressures to you and some not? Cases in point: the Stealthtercel doesn't seem to give a damn if its tires are 5 or even 10 psi low: it drives the same whatever they are, and always has. By contrast, my sister's "Trollblazer" (9-7X) had one tire one and a half pounds down, and the difference from the driver's seat was night and day just on the drive back from the gas station.
Second question: who's got a recommendation for a brand or model of good, accurate tire pressure gauge?
Honestly, if you are just driving around town and to work and back, you probably won't notice if all of your tires are 5 or 10 pounds low. I never let mine get that low since I check them once every week or so (when I drove to work every day). I check them every other time I drive now but that's not too often (New York). My parents were driving around on Run Flats that were like 20 psi low. Hehe, yeah. I fixed that in a hurry. Nobody noticed until I put a gauge to them.
I bought a tire pressure gauge from Advance Auto. You really have no need for a tire pressure gauge that goes to 200 freaking PSI. Get one with a 60 pound limit so you have one pound increments on the dial. I spent like 6 bucks on mine and I love it. The more you spend, the better it usually is. My purge valve doesn't let air out that quickly and there's a science to getting it just right (if I press the button all the way, it shuts off airflow).
That sounds like the same gauge I have. I've been using it for 10-years with no problems.