Knurled wrote:
The only times I have ever heard of Vorshlag before this thread was in regards to stancebros ruining newer VW/Audi products and showing off sub-millimeter tire clearance.
This thread has indeed been enlightening for me. However this perception is out there, and it is indeed a damning one for a company that is indeed concerned about its image and reputation as a high quality performance developer/producer.
Hehehe... sir, I think you have Vorshlag mistaken with some other company. Your description couldn't be more off the mark. We don't make anything for an Audi and barely make anything for a VW. And while I don't like to toot my own horn (for Vorshlag) it seems necessary now...

We build race cars. Top to Bottom, front to back. That's the main focus for our shop.

We also make the world's best spherical top mount camber plates. Again, I don't make that claim without some credence - our design is like no other, and many of our dealers used to be competitors. We also sell top tier monotube adjustable shocks from MCS and Bilstein, as well as AST and Moton (when we can get those two brands). We have worked with all of these companies to make new shock models to cover new cars, too.

Heavy fabrication doesn't scare us - we have been there and done that.

We build custom exhaust systems for race and street cars...

Vorshlag is known for V8 swaps, and we have made kits and turn-key LS1 swaps for 3 generations of BMWs, Miata and FR-S (shown above). 150+ kits sold to date, so this isn't something we just dabble in. Our swaps and kits are in books and magazines, and well... some say its the industry standard?

We work on a variety of cars from BMWs, Subarus, EVOs, Miatas, Corvettes, Mustangs, Camaros, MINIs and more. If someone is gong to autocross or track the car, we want to make suspension, chassis, suspension, wheels, brakes and aero solutions for it. If we can, with the manpower we have.

The build thread for our C4 TTC Corvette that we built this year is chronicled right here on GRM. I'm driving this car at NASA Nationals, and I aim to WIN.

Our red 2011 Mustang is fairly well known as well, with wins in SCCA, GTA, Optima and NASA. It has set 16 track records in NASA TT3 class in the past 3 years alone. At the last NASA TWS event, on day, 2 I took one solitary lap all day. Reset the track record, 4.2 seconds over 2nd place, 11 in class. And this car still has HVAC, SatNav, full interior, and is street legal.

Some people see the aero work we've done and think, "Oh, a bunch of ricers!" but we don't give two sh!ts about the "looks" of the parts we make, just the functionality. If it doesn't make the car faster, it comes off.

Last but not least, this is our GRM $2011 Challenge winner, which I built in my home garage but with the help of about 14 friends - including some Vorshlag employees who volunteered their time.

We did that some years ago but race much more often in Vorshlag built cars since. My wife and I go to 30+ race weekends a year with SCCA Solo, SCCA Club Trials, NASA, GTA, and Optima events, among others. I live to race... not stance.

So yea, I think you might be thinking of another company.
And don't take my word for it - come by our shop at 1703 Capital Avenue, Plano, TX for a tour. Or watch any of the hundreds of videos or the 80,000 images on our gallery page to see for yourself.