Did anybody see "American Pickers" last night?
What was the matte black late 30's early 40's hot rod three window coupe that the guy who appraised the Studebaker drove up in? Was it another Studebaker or something else? It's got to have the biggest trunk that I've ever seen.
7/13/10 4:09 p.m.
First thing that came to mind was a '38 or '39 Dodge.
*EDIT...didn't see the show last night...I was going by the car that was bought and they lost money on last season.
I saw that episode last night. Now I want an early bullet-nose Studebaker. 
39 Studebaker:

Doesn't look quite the same from what I remember on the show but similar.
I'm thinking it was a 1941 Dodge Luxury Liner Business Coupe

Maybe a DeSoto or Chrysler:

At first I thought it was the Plymouth business coupe from last season, but if it was he built it pretty quick.
Therear deck lid was so loonnggg it looked like the builder took the red business coupe above and extended the sheet metal forward to the back of the front seats. Or he took a hard top business coupe and made it into a pure roadster. (I don't know if a convertible was available.)
I thought it was a Willy's or something, but that Dodge looks similar.
7/13/10 5:29 p.m.
And to think we gripe these days about all the cars looking alike.
I didn't see it last night, but if it was a rerun and the episode where they drag the late '30's-early '40's Plymouth coupe out of the basement, the other car was a DeSoto business coupe.
He's appraising a Studebaker. He drove a STUDEBAKER.
Is it a booger?
You're talking about nose pickers, right?
NYG95GA wrote:
And to think we gripe these days about all the cars looking alike.
Strange how Plymouth, DeSoto and Chrysler all look similar huh?
7/14/10 11:51 a.m.
Trans_Maro wrote:
NYG95GA wrote:
And to think we gripe these days about all the cars looking alike.
Strange how Plymouth, DeSoto and Chrysler all look similar huh?
In my life, I've driven Plymouths, Chryslers and Dodges. I'm older, but not ancient.. never drove a DeSoto.
Not that I wouldn't love to.. 
Slightly off topic, but do you all like that show? We watched the first few episodes at the Suddard house, but decided it wasn't for us. Seems they overpay so horribly for so many of their "finds" that we just couldn't stop cringing.
If I want to watch someone overpaying, I'll go straight to "Pawn Stars" and at least have some moronic, scripted "drama" mixed in. (And I have to admit, I actually like that show.)
I have never seen this show. Is it any good? And when does it come on?
Trans_Maro wrote:
NYG95GA wrote:
And to think we gripe these days about all the cars looking alike.
Strange how Plymouth, DeSoto and Chrysler all look similar huh?
On the older cars I refer to it as family resemblance. The newer ones is cloning.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
Slightly off topic, but do you all like that show?
Love/hate. Some of the places that they go are facinating - I would love the opportunity to rummage around in old barns full of crap and junkyards where the cool stuff hasn't been crushed, so the show gives me that vicarious experience.
However, the tall skinny guy and the short bald dude are annoying, and I question both their taste and judgment. They seem to be shooting for a 50% markup, so given the travel expenses - I can't see them making any money based upon what we see on the show.
"Hey, look at this crappy old rusty sign!!!" Picked - $25, Value - $50. Woo Hoo!!!
All of that said, by 7pm on Mondays, I'm pretty much toast so doing something constructive is not likely. A cold beer and the boob-tube is about all I can handle, and there ain't much else on.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
Slightly off topic, but do you all like that show? We watched the first few episodes at the Suddard house, but decided it wasn't for us. Seems they overpay so horribly for so many of their "finds" that we just couldn't stop cringing.
If I want to watch someone overpaying, I'll go straight to "Pawn Stars" and at least have some moronic, scripted "drama" mixed in. (And I have to admit, I actually like that show.)
I like the show a lot, and it's always fun seeing the crazy stuff they find every week. The only problem I have with it is that, just like the Barrett Jackson austions did for cars, it's going to make every Joe Schmoe in the US think every piece of trash on their property is worth big bucks now. 
I have a hard time watching Pawn Stars, because they are in the business of ripping people off that are down on their luck. That's the name of the game for them. But I still watch it like an idiot anyway. 
I prefer pawn stars - i like it when they take a insert random old object here to a insert some oddball fabricator here to restore it and it comes out looking pretty great. I saw one where they found an old 2 wheel drive dirtbike used to haul loaded carts of whatever, and it was restored to operable condition - that one was pretty cool
The scripted drama and the slow fat kid on pawn stars make me cringe. Can't put up with more than a few minutes of that.
Pickers is better...EXCEPT when they try the scripted drama thing. It is very obvious those two are not actors so when they try and act angry at the tattooed chick at home base it slides down to unwatchable.
Interestingly enough I heard about the show late into its first season at the portland swap meet. I noticed that a lot of vendors were talking about the show....and those same vendors I thought were overpriced and selling decorative crap more than car parts.
Woody wrote:
914Driver wrote:
He's appraising a Studebaker. He drove a STUDEBAKER.
What was it?
I'm still pining for that 82 year old woman with a 1965 Metropolitan her husband bought new to teach her how to drive.
She didn't. Wonder if she's seeing anybody....