So I have an opportunity to buy a 2001 Miata with 150,000 miles on it for less than half Challenge budget. The car is pretty edgy with some rust in the wheel wells and the deck lid.
The biggest issue is that it pops out of first gear. I'm pretty sure the syncros are toast. Is this able to be repaired or do I need to buy a trans? Anyone know what a used five speed trans goes for? Should I run away from this deal?
5spd trans should be $500 or less. 6spd are typically $750-$1000 depending on mileage.
If it runs I'd buy it.
I had an issue similar to yours on my Miata. Tried changing everything but in the end just had to replace the whole unit. Try to go for a 99+ transmission, as they came with stronger synchros. As said above, they run less than $500 usually.
Rust probably can be fixed easily by turning it into an Exocet if the suspension and the rest of the drivetrain are still good...
Take a very close look at the frame rails from the front spring perches forward to the radiator . If there's visible rust elsewhere on the car those rails can be very badly rusted. You can't see it from above, it requires removing the plastic fender well liner. NBs are prone to rust in that area.
...Good advice on the rust issue, DeadSkunk. I'll check for that.
I would buy that car no problem. If it's drivable it's worth well over a grand in easily sellable parts. If you pass, let us scavengers know the details. ;-)
Yep, easily that in parts. Especially if it has the optional sport brakes.