As an old school chopper guy, I (accidentally) converted to a hard core Beemer guy a few years back ( 18 years is a few to us old guys!)
Since the K75S I currently have on the road has prove to have too small a fairing for my old tired self to hide behind, I've been looking for an old fuddy duddy's touring bike. In the mean time, I'm shortening my commute to 13 miles, ILO 40 - 55 as in last two jobs. So...
Enter the 2005 Kawasaki Ninja 250. Affectionately known as a Ninjette.
The Beemer gets about twice the mpg as my DD car. The Ninjette does not quite double that, but it's significantly better. Not my style at all, but, I'll lower my standards to save a buck, right now!

Sadly, I forgot the obligatory fuel stop pic, so still on trailer will have to do... 'course I didn't get to start the build thread till after I got it home!
Hopefully, won't be much of a build thread... just some minor maint. and ride it!
Well, they're are as reliable as they are ugly so at least you've got reliability on your side
In reply to Mr. Peabody :
This plain silver/beige' ish color was prolly not very popular with the 250's target market, like the bright yellows, greens, and blues, but to me, why draw attention to what was not that good looking, even before it's was a very dated style! I think "beige" suits it!
I love these things. I had a ~2002 in the same color.
This one is an 05, with only 5500 miles on it... sat too long, and all 4 turn signals had been broken during storage (or maybe transport?) but obviously not laid down. Guy bought it to get running, and commute on. He drained the old gas; tank is still nice and clean. Knocked the dust off the air filter, and bought a carb kit with all new stock jets. And new battery. Still doesn't run right, so he gave up.
Might not have gotten the passageways underneath the new jets cleaned well enough, although he sounded like he knew how; I'll pull carbs and do a good check. Might be as simple as a clogged petcock, or air blockage. This old tech type bike (despite being "new") is what I cut my teeth on way back when, so I don't expect problems getting it right. These engines are about as basic as ya can get, once the Tupperware is out of the way!
In reply to ProDarwin :
I'll have to ride it a bit, but I know the stock handle bars gotta go... don't know if I'll want slightly lower, flatter bars, or taller flatter bars! But I know flatter will happen. My wrists do NOT like that much angle. Welding up my own bar height/angle on the K75 worked out great, and these stock bars feel exactly like the stock S bars.
New LED turn signals and relay would be a simple inexpensive fix for the broken ones. I bought a couple of these LED Flasher relays for my bikes and they work well with bulbs and LEDs.
I really enjoy the '08 that I bought "for my wife". Light weight and easy to throw around. It tops out in the 75 mph range, so I'm less likely to die while throwing it around than I would on a real Sport Bike.

I looked at these 250s back about 8 years ago, when my first Beemer was needing some work, and I wanted something lighter to throw in the truck I was towing my camper 'round with. At the time, I was still anti fairing, and wanted to do a traditional "cafe" build. But now that I admit I'm to old and frail to ride that style, I plan to just leave this alone, and ride my money out of 'er!!!
I just sold my MT03 and holy tar do I miss it. Something about being able to fully wring the neck of a sporty street bike and not die was so much fun. Do the same thing on my SuperSport and you would be in jail in 2nd gear.
FYI I really wish that the United states for high spec, high rev, low CC bikes. I have been hunting for a RC390 now to go crazy on and put Ohlins on both side and just go out and have fun at low speed.
In reply to AAZCD-PorscheHoarder-Jon (Occasional Forum Supporter) :
That NewGen looks fantastic in a nice subtle black.
They finally updated the styling in 08, but since not my style, the old dated look is ok, considering the prices.
Now the upgraded wheels, to run modern tires - that would be good to have! I have read they upped the peak power numbers in the newgen bikes, but that gives it less in the midrange. Very little riding difference, but hurts top mpg a tad. Ought to handle a ton better, though.
I do remember you got that one for "the wife"
I have fixed quite a few of these. Dead nuts reliable and almost fixable with your eyes closed.
Highway riding = Fairing required
Lower speeds I prefer no fairing if the weather is warm. Something something having cake and eating it too.
In reply to clutchsmoke :
I like the something something comment 
I made the hwy = fairing connection the first time I rode the k75 to my folks( 80 miles away) without throwing my cheesy temp. fairing on! That was in 05 or so. Just 10 years earlier I would ride my 10" over springer hard tail with a front spool and no fender up there for dinner. Even in the rain!
This getting old business is not for the faint of heart!
Cant imagine this tiny faring on the Ninjette would really help much on hwy, but all the new commute roads will be two lane only. 30mph to 55 max, two stop signs, only one light. I think I can tough it out
The ninjas don't look good to me nekkid; unless I do a full out custom with 'er one day, I'll probably just ride it as is. At 55 mph and below, aero doesn't have huge effects on mpg , and that needs to be my main focus right now.
Professor_Brap (Forum Supporter) said:
I have fixed quite a few of these. Dead nuts reliable and almost fixable with your eyes closed.
My wife had some concerns, buying a "project", since I have two non running Beemers (in addition to the good running one that's for sale
) that will cost some time and money to get going.
Told her the $700 and time/cost to get running should be less that just a few parts for the others!
03Panther said:
Professor_Brap (Forum Supporter) said:
I have fixed quite a few of these. Dead nuts reliable and almost fixable with your eyes closed.
My wife had some concerns, buying a "project", since I have two non running Beemers (in addition to the good running one that's for sale
) that will cost some time and money to get going.
Told her the $700 and time/cost to get running should be less that just a few parts for the others!
What's the current needs list on it.
4 new turn signals. Tab repair on one side cover. Charge new battery. Determine why it stumbles and stalls instead of running smooth.
I'll check some simple stuff like pinched fuel or air supply line, vacuume stuff, maybe new air filter, since he "knocked the dust off the existing one".
If not that I'll pull the carbs and make sure he did them correctly. Then start investigating the ignition side.
But at 5500 miles, I'm expecting it to pretty minor when I track it down.
Gotta find the date codes on the tires. Look brand new, but 5500 miles could be the originals. Look great, but if replaced, they are original equipment Dunlop (630 I think) and there are much better choices, for less money, so not sure.
Anybody read a date code, off the top of there heads? Or have time/know how to look up easy?

In reply to 03Panther :
That tire was made in the 19th week of 2013.
In reply to AAZCD-PorscheHoarder-Jon (Occasional Forum Supporter) :
Thanks! Knew it was something simple... but also thanks for the link - for us folks readied on the "trust but verify " motto. 
Bad info for decisions, though. With zero age cracks on sidewalls, and so new as to still have most of the casting nubs, hard to spend money on replacements. But considering the date, and mediocre handling of that model - really need to!