2017 KTM Freeride 250R
I'd been looking for one of these for a few years and found this one in the spring.
I'm predominantly a motocrosser, but have been spending more and more time riding trails and competing in hare scrambles. Some motocross bikes are very good for this, as my Husqvarna was, but I wanted a dedicated woods bike. I tried a few, including a KTM XC-W 200 last year, but found them to be too big in the tight woods. Too tall for my short legs, too long in the tight twisty stuff, and just too heavy. So I decided to give this a try. It's a 250 2 stroke, non-power valve engine that most compare to that of a trials bike. In fact, many people say this is very close to a trials bike. I disagree. Owning a modern 300 trials bike, I see very few similarities except for maybe the tighter turning radius, and non power valve engine. though it's not as nimble, doesn't turn as tight and is significantly faster than any trials bike I've ever ridden.
So after about a dozen riding hours, mostly at my club's facility, my mind still wasn't made up. It's good, but not great, though the stock tires are terrible. It's half decent on the road, sixth gear is a transit gear, so I can cruise over to the club's property at 80km/hr no problem. But last week I went to my buddies home riding spot which consists of super tight, nasty, worn out whooped up single track, with roots everywhere, the kind I'm normally terrible on, and stayed right with him. This thing absolutely shines in the tight stuff. It has limited suspension, but torque all day, turns on a dime, and is light enough it never seems like a burden. And if I make a mistake, it's short enough that I don't have to worry about toppling over like on the EXC bikes.
And it's super funky. The seat folds up to reveal a small air filter that plugs in through the middle of the tank. It has electric start, KTM105 suspension, and the frame consists of a steel cradle, that aluminum forging, and a thick composite (the black plastic) subframe. If you like unusual, and I do, this bike has it in spades.