Well, I got this new tablet, a vizio vtab.
Cool so far, but there's one thing I've been trying to do that I can't seem to figure out.
I want to stream Pandora from the tablet to my 2-channel stereo via my ps3. Anyone have any ideas?
Well, I got this new tablet, a vizio vtab.
Cool so far, but there's one thing I've been trying to do that I can't seem to figure out.
I want to stream Pandora from the tablet to my 2-channel stereo via my ps3. Anyone have any ideas?
3.5mm to RCA jack.
This goes from the top of my Android Phone into the back my old Bose stereo.
Oops my bad, looking for a wireless solution. The idea is to be able to have the tablet with me anywhere in the apartment and control the stations.
I can kindof do this with the ps3 already, but have to keep going to the living room if i want to change something, and the ps3 browser sucks bad.
turboswede wrote: Don't use the PS3? The crippled browser is hampering your efforts.
That's what the question was. The browser isn't hampering my efforts, i haven't even found the app to do what I want yet.
I'm trying to not use Pandora on the ps3. I'm trying to stream Pandora from the android tablet to the ps3 because the ps3 is the only wireless capable device connected to the stereo. Well, maybe the 2wire cable box.
turboswede wrote: I'd just run Pandora on a real PC and use VNC or RDP to control Pandora.
I don't have a pc hooked up to the stereo and unfortunately don't have any more inputs to do so even if i had a pc other than the laptop.
RealMiniDriver wrote: Bluetooth adapter?
Hrm. Could work as a last ditch effort. But then I run into the fact that I'm out of inputs on the pre-amp. And carrying around another thing wih the tab.
Seems silly though, there's got to be an app out there. The ps3 has a bluetooth receiver, and the tablet has bluetooth as well.
It appears the PS3 does not support a2dp (stereo bluetooth) and even if it did it would probably be only an outgoing connection for headphones while playing the ps3. Have you tried streaming pandora with the ps3's web browser?
The closest thing you are going to get to what you want is to free up one of your inputs on your reciever or add in a switch and then buy a bluetooth a2dp dongle with headphone jack and run that to one of your RCA's.
i've had Y adapters on the RCA plugs on the back of my tv to get me another input. they are just 2 female plugs on one end with a single male plug on the other. you just gotta be careful to not have both things trying to input at the same time- it makes for some interesting noise if you do. got them at radio shack for a couple of bucks each, i believe.
SupraWes wrote: It appears the PS3 does not support a2dp (stereo bluetooth) and even if it did it would probably be only an outgoing connection for headphones while playing the ps3. Have you tried streaming pandora with the ps3's web browser? The closest thing you are going to get to what you want is to free up one of your inputs on your reciever or add in a switch and then buy a bluetooth a2dp dongle with headphone jack and run that to one of your RCA's. http://www.amazon.com/Sony-Ericsson-Bluetooth-Stereo-Headset/dp/B003DQ1DCM/ref=pd_sim_misc_1
Yep, said earlier in the thread i' said i tried that. I don't like it for a couple reasons.
1) Horrible browser on the PS3. Ends up stuttering like crazy after 20 minutes.
2) Have to go back into the living room to change anything.
I think i'm SOL.
novaderrik wrote: i've had Y adapters on the RCA plugs on the back of my tv to get me another input. they are just 2 female plugs on one end with a single male plug on the other. you just gotta be careful to not have both things trying to input at the same time- it makes for some interesting noise if you do. got them at radio shack for a couple of bucks each, i believe. http://www.google.com/search?q=RCA+Y+adapters&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#q=RCA+Y+adapters&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=6bR&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=9ycJT76eG86_gQfp6YWvAg&ved=0CHIQrQQ&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=9e1cbf575023cc70&biw=1440&bih=768
That "interesting noise" is distortion and is a quick way to destroy expensive speakers in my case. Not gonna happen.
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