Can we try and move on away from politics again? It seems that just about every thread starts off fine, but somehow ends up with a jibe at either the left/right or rich/poor. I know there are several people who left Corner Carvers and came here just to get away from the excessive political bickering but it's happening here too.
Popping popcorn as we speak... 
As soon as everyone agrees with me everything will be fine
I agree with Wally, as soon as you people realize I am right you can get back to building my pyramid.
Things are a lot better now than they were a year or two ago....and I don't usually start all this rich vs. poor stuff, it's just a coincidence 
im here to talk about hoopties and jalopies, and maybe some racecars...
I joined up back in '04 for random advice on my first Neon...
Seems like a good time to mention it... if you think somebody's being a jerk, you can always click the report [!] button.
But even when people aren't being jerks (or stopping short of being report-worthy), the political stuff gets old. There are better places for that sort of thing. Newsvine, for example, is built just for lively debate of political topics and current events.
And I agree with Wally, 'cause it's his birthday.
That's the whole point of the 'Off Topic': it gets the political stuff away from the main forum.
[smartass] If you don't click OT, it's not likely you'll get politics.[/smartass] 
Clearly this is the work of ObamaCo... opps!
... I guess I better go watch CNBC.... opps!
....I will just switch over to Fox News... opps!
....information information everywhere, but nary a drop that is sane...
6/10/09 10:04 a.m.
Yeah, if I feel like being part of it, I join in, if not, I pass it by. Sometimes I change my mind like I did in SVreX's hot air thread. Either way, it's easy enough not to be involved if you don't feel like it.
At least if everybody has the sense not to inject politics into technical discussions...
The only way that will happen is if we can elect a Miata for president.
I don't think there is too much politics here, and it is generally relevant to the discussion when it is brought in. I also don't know why it's objectionable. I'm not interested in P71's. So I don't read P71 discussions. It seems easy enough to steer clear of the discussions that don't interest / offend you.
I've never participated in a political forum because, frankly, the times I've read them they seem to be populated by blowhard morons. I value the political views of someone here much more than some blogging idiot with a tinfoil hat on a political forum.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
It seems easy enough to steer clear of the discussions that don't interest / offend you....
I value the political views of someone here much more than some blogging idiot with a tinfoil hat on a political forum.
Its like all the FCC rules...if you dont want to see objectionable material on TV, dont watch it...change the freaking station.
slefain wrote:
The only way that will happen is if we can elect a Miata for president.
god, wait and see what the smear campaign against the miata will be like...
It's a political party crackahs!
I just heard about president Miata!! Apparently there he has quite an "intimate" connection to the gay community, if you know what I mean!!!
(GRM rule number 1 has been fulfilled)
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
6/10/09 10:33 a.m.
I usually step in with my jackboots of authority when it gets too annoying.
6/10/09 11:35 a.m.
Just like The Man always does... 
Some opinions are strong and it's refreshing to know the people that get all balled up and kick the keyboard across the room because of someone else's opinion is probably going to die young because of ulcers, but on the other hand I see Wally got a new avatar for his birthday.
Nice going big guy! Bet if you held it close to your face it would smell like funnel cakes. Go ahead, try it....
Tim Baxter wrote:
Seems like a good time to mention it... if you think somebody's being a jerk, you can always click the report [!] button.
...must resist temptation to click report (!) button.....
I call it the dick button.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Can we try and move on away from politics again? It seems that just about every thread starts off fine, but somehow ends up with a jibe at either the left/right or rich/poor.
I think it is a sign of the times. There are some real questions and real philosophy challenges happen in the world today. I must say, I am not a fan of the changing times either.