I like the paint on the 2002.
914Driver wrote:
I like the paint on the 2002.
Leave the D90s for the VeeDubbers. I hate those wheels.
In reply to Maroon92:
I'm guilty. I still want a set for my Mk3.
Just in case you ever wondered what a cop writes on the ticket for "color" when he pulls over a Harlequin Golf.
MG Bryan wrote:
I don't know how she does it, I can't drive in those heels!
Oops, forgot the hotlink.
In reply to 914Driver:
I wouldn't be able to change a wheel in a skirt and not put on a show.
The "Camaro Crash Helmet"
In reply to 92CelicaHalfTrac:
I see your Porsche and raise you an MG.
I'll see your MG and raise you another Porsche.