So some of my friends got together and wrote/recorded/filmed a song/video for the Safe Auto commercial contest, and it's pretty good. Check it out, and please vote for it!
Too cool, I have some friends who did the same thing too. Good luck!
Oh, and you can vote as many times as you like, but there's a captcha so you probably can't go all imacros on it.
Voted - Keep your hands at 10 and 2!
That is berkeleying horrible. But I voted. Because Corey.
1/13/14 8:59 p.m.
Wait, didn't we break a contest for you once before? Voted in any event.
shoot, it's almost up to 5000!
If you get bored today, we can turn this into a competition on how many captchas in a row you can get right. So far my record is 21.